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Well the computer gets packed and shipped with the rest of our stuff tomorrow. I'll still be on line until the end of the month at work then I'll likely be off line for a while until I get settled in Vegas. We should be in Vegas by the second week in July. If for any reason anyone needs to reach me, my cell number is 808-551-2426
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Sorry for the late reply. My computer has been shipped and I'm on limited internet access. Hawaii is in the middle of a economic meltdown and the Government's answer to everything is to raise taxes and cut services. It has always been expensive to live here but now its getting ridiculous which has prompted my move. Moving to Vegas will literally cut my daily living expensed by 50%. If you choose to make the move, make sure that your job is solid as there are many businesses going bankrupt or laying off employees. We have over 40,000 unemployed at the moment and are amonst the highest unemployment rates in the nation.
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