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I changed the sending unit recently with no change in the gage reading and tested my oil pressure with a gage on the block and the oil pressure is perfect. That leaves me to assume it's the gage or the wiring. I plan to remove the gage and wire it directly to the sending unit at the block. That should determine if it's the wiring.

We wouldn't love these cars if they functioned like some damn computer riddled modern car that nobody understands, not even the mechanics. I beg your pardon; they are now called service technicians for good reason.



$100. Yes it works. I have collected many parts over the last 50 years. Was a Lincoln Mercury dealer from 1965 to 2011..
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On Sep 16, 2024, at 5:32 PM, The De Tomaso Forums <> wrote:

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New Reply By tomkuestertomkuester

tomkuesterReply by tomkuester

It looks correct, why are you selling it? Does it work? How much

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Looks like an infinite resistance on the sender (open circuit) will give you a LOW oil pressure reading, and a resistance of about 3 - 10 ohms should give a high reading.

….. If you have some resistors laying about!

Seems like the gauge should be easy to test with a couple resistors and a set of clip test leads…




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A week ago my car suddenly didn’t have any oil pressure anymore but it sounded just fine… I put the wire that’s attached to the sender on ground and I got a full sweep of the needle on the gauge!
So I ordered a new sending unit.. showed up a day later, put it in, fired the engine up and…. No oil pressure!!! WTF.. did same again.. ground, sweep - good… head scratching…

ordered another sender… exchanged sender, started.. nothing again! Very angry 😡! Very confused 🤔

AND AGAIN! Order, exchange, fire up and I got oil pressure….

So for the people who are wondering if I’m still alive and working on my car.. YES! It‘s that kind  of stuff I’m fighting right now (A/C switch and instrument dimmer switch didn’t work anymore over night…) on and on… my anger management class kicked me out because of anger management issues….IMG_2316

don’t assume because something is new that it actually works!!!!

So much trash out there!


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Last edited by LeMans850i
@rocky posted:

That’s interesting, because it seems to be backwards from what the data shows in the chart…. But I know you don’t deal in theoretics, you roll up your sleeves and get right down to it!

Keep up the good work! You’ll get to the end!

…. Unless the END gets to me first ⚰️

my test supports your data!!

high resistance = low oil pressure

low resistance ( hold wire from sender on ground = full sweep/full oil pressureIMG_2318

please Rocky … don’t get confused!!! Need somebody I can call when I do not know what to do anymore!! Your are my Rock(y).. 🤪



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Last edited by LeMans850i

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