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I like the effect the setting has on enhancing the beauty of the car. The whiteness of the car emphasizes this even more. The subtleness and the delicacy of the leather might be overlooked normally except for maybe the contrast to the harshness of the environment the car is "staged in"?

Really, real nice does not state it adequately...simply beautiful... absolutely stunning.

Thank you for posting. Made my day...even without hot naked women smiling at me? Hum what's going on with that I wonder? Big Grin
I think that someone is talking about me around here !

Hello everyone, I'm the photographer who made these shots Wink Thank you for the great feedbacks that I have read in this thread and thanks to David to have taken the risk to be knifed ( Big Grin ). I might be too naive but I didn't think that someone could think this way in this kind of situation. Frowner Maybe I should find a way to prove that I'm not a serial killer nor a gang member involved in car traffic...

Hope to see some of you in Little Italy for the Grand Prix week-end Wink
Welcome to the forum! And all of the praise for your work is very much deserved, you've found locations that really complement David's Pantera and taken outstanding photographs. I'm sure you've inspired many of us to go out and find great locations like these, and to try new angles in our own shots.
We're just kidding about you being out to jack David's car, it's obvious from your website you are a talented photographer with a passion for the art of the automobile.
I look forward to meeting you in Montreal and hopefully watching you at work.
Thank you very much Wink

I'll definitely be there for the Grand Prix, I've changed my plane tickets to be there ! (unfortunately, I'm going back to France a few days after this week-end)

It will be my first time and hopefully not the last. Your internet connexion is going to explode with all the pictures that I will post ! Razzer
Well, you know, I never turn down the opportunity to look at hot naked woman, but by the same token, I never turn down the opportunity to look at hot Panteras either. Don't make me have to choose...I might wind up looking really gay with my choice? Wink

I am an artist after all and I see things for their artistic merit and aesthetic beauty...nothing dark or sinister...really. Cool is only skin deep...but ugly, it's all the way to the bone! Roll Eyes
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