David I'll shake a few pics out of the cameras in a day or two. Look for them in the event photo forum.
BTW ... I enjoyed meeting everyone at the Fun Rally; new faces like Mike Thomas, Klas Norrhed, Doug Lambert; and old faces like Forest G, Steve from Morro Bay, Kent & Sandi Snyder. Seeing old friends like John & Beth, Kevin Hubby, John Taphorn, Bill & Cindy Harris, Jim & Carol Coyne, Judy McCartney, Mark Mensen, Jack & Judy DeRyke, Chuck A (7260). Spent some time with Dave & Linda, Coz & his boys, Dennis & Bobbi, Larry Stock, Art Stephens, Julian Kift. Larry Finch went out of his way to introduce me to his wife Donna, thanks Larry. It was also my first opportunity to congratulate Mark McWhinney face to face since he's taken the president's position at POCA.
Our Go-Kart event went very well, I'm glad we were able to liven up everyone's evening. It's always my pleasure and honor when I can do something in service of this hobby and for you the owners.
cowboy from hell