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My client told me she was working in the emrgency room and this guy is being admitted for alcohol poisoning, like drinking way too much.

She over hears the doctor asking the man: "Why do you drink so much?"

The guys says: "The drugs were getting to me."

So things are looking better from his point of view ... one small step at a time ....
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Originally posted by veryfast italain:
My client told me she was working in the emrgency room and this guy is being admitted for alcohol poisoning, like drinking way too much.

She over hears the doctor asking the man: "Why do you drink so much?"

The guys says: "The drugs were getting to me."

So things are looking better from his point of view ... one small step at a time ....

Wow. Whenever I get to thinking I have things so bad, I try and remember this little saying I have...

I used to bitch that I had no shoes, untill I met a man who had no feet.

You can quote me on that.
As long as we are heading in the right direction, life keeps getting better and better. Nearly dead, and extremely intoxicated, without the ability to even think, the gentleman has convinced himself this is better than the other problem, so, to him, there's hope, and he made a 'good decision'. If there's hope for him, in his mind, then somehow, I feel better for both him and myself.

The story made me feel better even when I seem to take no steps at all in the dead heat of summer, when business hits the slow season, and I sit around wondering what to do with myself all day long. It doesn't matter ... I feel OK about it now. Since the gentleman had hope, I have hope. If he can do the right thing, and make a decision he thinks is "better" then so can I, eh?

And the doc? He cares enough to ask, and it didn't matter that the guy was drunk beyond belief. He cared, and probably really liked the answer ... there's hope, and things can get better, even if he's starting from 'way, way back there'. We're privileged to be in Alejandro's Neighborhood Bar, even if we get bored once in a while. No problemo.

A positive spin, from someone nearly dead!
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