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Same intersections over and over again. Some are people plainy on another planet, but I think there may not be enough delay between the yellow and red or no dead time where light are red in both directions
For the most part, signal timing is clearly not an issue in these videos. In some cases, cross traffic has entered and/or cleared the intersection already. In other cases, numerous cars that were traveling in the same direction are at a dead stop when the butt head arrives. The motorcyclists, scooter driver and pedestrians are really hanging out aren't they?

Most of those accidents were going to happen regardless of light color, severity would have been different but they were going to happen. A large percentage were with wet roads and an even larger percentage were at night (probably coming from an evening at the local watering hole). Lower speed ones were probably non attentive drivers, the high speed....idiots. Two were pretty interesting to me, the white bus drivers ability to recover and the lucky fool that blew thru multiple moving lanes of traffic in the pic without creaming anyone. The last one was too personal to me for my taste.

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