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A young man approaches his father and asks, dad what is the difference between potential and reality?

His father scratches his head and replies, well son it is kind of hard to explain. I’ll tell you what, go ask your mother, sister and brother if they would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars, then come back and tell me what you have learned.

So the young man asks his mom, would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars? The mother replies YES! We could use the money around the house and to send you kids to a great university.

He approaches his sister, sleep with Brad Pitt for a million bucks, she replies, HELL YES!! I’d sleep with Brad for free, over and over again!

His brother, sleep with Brad Pitt for a million bucks? His replies, ok,,, yes I’ll do it. Do you know how much stuff I could buy with a million dollars?

The son returns to his father, the father asks his son, what did you learn?
Well dad, potently we are sitting on 3 million bucks, but the reality is we are living with 2 sluts and a homo
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