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Good to hear you've survived winter storage and hopefully you're no worse for wear. I suppose with a quick wash 'n wax, some fresh lube and a quick recharge, you'll be ready to start getting the cat ready to prowl.

David has posted the two big Canadian Pantera events (Niagara and Kingston):
2009 Canadian Pantera Events

I also need to start tracking down the North East U.S. events to see which ones I might be able to get to.

If you haven't already plotted yourself on the Pantera Map , you should have a look, there's a surprising number of cats in the NE, and I recall someone suggesting that there be a get-together somewhere in upstate NY - maybe we can all get together and visit the Sad Mangusta that baberz02 came across and pay it our respects.

If you haven't been following the forums, you've missed the saga of a few cars that have been rising from the ashes over the winter months, some major repair efforts, others just fresh paint and/or new wheels.

Welcome back!
Originally posted by Mark Charlton:
Hey Michael,

Welcome back! Did you escape, or were you let out early for good behavior? Wink

Looking forward to seeing you again this summer, although preferably without the big trucks whipping by mere inches from our asses at 60+ MPH!



Neither, I just hijacked one of their terminals.

60? It was more like 80+ MPH!! I agree, let's leave them out of it this time. I don't think I've ever worked faster in my life! I definitely lost a few good ass hairs that day.

See you and Yasmin at Pocono?

Hey it's called 'hidernating' then when March comes around (snow has melted and streets are washed of salt) then you catch 'cabin fever'. The fever makes dream of cars and girls then you slowly recover and get back to reality and call your buddies.

Hi Mike!
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