The price of gasoline is still extraordinarily low if you consider how much actual "work" is produced by a gallon of the stuff.
Consider what it would cost in wages if you were to employ a small group of people (or animals, factoring in food & care) to pull around our sorry asses and all our crap for 20 miles to work and then 20 miles home, each day. I figure it would take six people about 5 hours to pull me and my crap-filled truck 20 miles—each way. At $5/hour (I'm a cheap fat-ass), that's $300 worth of labour, or about $8 worth of gasoline.
The real problem is going to come when (and there WILL eventually be a when) we do run out of oil and need to find some other way to produce plastics, fertilizers and all the other oil-based products we depend on every single day.
I'm just hoping it all runs dry AFTER I'm dead and gone (and that it's a long way off).
Some other input on the subject: