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Ok, checked the turn signal part. This is the red plastic turn signal cancel cam I think you were referring to ealier. It looks intact. Now I'm scared to put it back in. How does it go back in without scrunching it against the spring and steering wheel? Anyway, the turn signals still don't work. How do I check the flasher? Fuses all look OK and I'll check the grounds behind the gauges. Also, the headlight on one side doesn't work, (new light) nor does the fog light. The parking and tail lights do work however. I've got a wiring diagram. If I recall, even back in '72 the wiring was a joke but at least it was the LM dealer's problem. 30 years hasn't made it better. Any other procedures I should go through to solve this? Thanks
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Early '72s had the relay panel above the passengers feet, with a cover held on with a single nut. In later '72s it was behind a hinged door on the drivers side, just under the dash and held closed by a single screw or thumbscrew. The flasher is in there; std flasher part. Most likely, its a loose ground somewhere- a central ground stud is under the dash behind the tach. Access it by removing the 4-gauge panen in the console and reaching in. If the nut holding 6 or 8 wires is loose, all kinds of strange electrical things occur. Take them all loose, wire brush any corrosion off and reattach "firmly" but don't snap the stud!
You may want to check the emergency flasher. On my car the signals quit and after checking a lot of things I found that the button was bad. I would try first 1. turn on key\flashers and slowly push flasher button in\out and watch for flasher working, that is how I found my problem. Tony
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