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I know I am the worst one when it comes to complaining about how expensive my Pantera is to maintain or restore. I whine and cry about how the car costs more to fix up than it is worth and bemoan how it rusts away and it doesn't make sound finacial sense to repair it. Well I done me some research and here are my findings. Horsepokey! Compared to other cars of its era we are craping in tall cotton.
I looked up the Lotus Europa car clubs on the internet. I know the Lotus Europa is not nothing even close to a Pantera, but just hear me out. It is like a cult car too. It was this little tiny sports car. It had a dinky little four popper that would barely get the car moving, but man could that little sucker turn a corner. I had a hair brained idea of getting one and making it look like my other Pantera so I could show them side by side and make it look like my Pantera had had a baby, but that is not what I am writting about. Those guys, the europa owners, have it worse than we do.
Sure their cars cost them less than ten grand to buy, but the parts to fix them are just as expensive, if not more so, and are way harder to find. Yeah an original engine may only cost them a few hundred bucks, but it isn't one that runs. They may have to buy two or three of them just to find enough parts to get one that runs. They got rust issues and it costs them tens of thousand of bucks to have it fixed just like us. But whe they are done spending fifty grand to restore their car what they got? A tweleve thousand dollar car. Poor bastards. I feel for them.
So next time you hear me singing the sad song of how bad I got it because I own a Pantera, just do me a favor and smack me in my fat patootie. I ain't got no right to bitch.
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Originally posted by DeTom:
So next time you hear me singing the sad song of how bad I got it because I own a Pantera, just do me a favor and smack me in my fat patootie. I ain't got no right to bitch.

Your timing is right on boy. I am just getting ready to go to my car and try and figure out whut happened yesterday. Went for a drive to take some pics, dead battery. With a new Alt, reg, belt, battery, all connections. Got a jump, came home, pulled guage cover off and saw bowl of spagetti. Put back on for now and I have no spark out of the 6AL.

Wife asked if car was worth all this effort. She went back inside after seeing my face after such a comment.

Answer is yes, and the car will be dependable once all the little issues are ironed out.
Originally posted by DeTom:
How do you think the spitefire and MG guys feel. It would be better for them to make a new fender out of paper mache from cut up dollar bills. :O

I dunno Detom, I restored a MG from the ground up. I definantly got more money in it then it's worth but at least a great number of parts are available. Many not that bad.

I definantly got more money in it then it's worth

That was more my point Gary. Heck you will get tons of fun out of your MG. BUt as far as bucks when you go to sell it?? I like to think of it as like money you spend for movies or amuzement parks or vacations. Entertainment money. Buying memories. That is what it is. It ain't investment, it is buying moments in life that are enjoyable and memorable. So we can sit in the nursing home with catheters up or dicks talking about how when we dusted off corvettes when we were younger. That's a good way of looking at it.
A friend of mine has a Euro spec Countach LP400S. We figured the cost of clutch wear alone is $1 per mile if the car is driven as a Countach should be. If driven very gently (Grandma style) 33 cents per mile is the best you can do. My friend had the "unobtanium" cam tower bearings made and his clutch bearing rebuilt (at the fraction of the cost) of a new one by this company here. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the cars in question. And for trivia, I know there are at least two parts between a Countach and a Pantera that interchange........and us Pantera guys pay MUCH less!
Originally posted by comp2:
Originally posted by DeTom:
How do you think the spitefire and MG guys feel. It would be better for them to make a new fender out of paper mache from cut up dollar bills. :O

Hey Detom, I found the stuff fo my MG fender. Do I just put dollar bills in the printer?:

You have to use a paper shreader Gary. A best buy model 503 works best. You grind up about two grand worth of dollar bills, mix with epoxy and lay it out on your forms and let it set up. Sand smooth and paint to your likeing. Smiler
Originally posted by Cyboman:
Originally posted by ParaPantera:
Oh! And Cyboman, the second part interchanges with your Pantera model specificially........chew on that for a while :-)

You mean besides the rear tires?

I think he is refering to the ultra-modernist coffee table that is trunk mounted.

Originally posted by DeTom:

PARA: Oh! And Cyboman, the second part interchanges with your Pantera model specificially........chew on that for a while :-)

CYBO: You mean besides the rear tires?

DETOM: I think he is refering to the ultra-modernist coffee table that is trunk mounted.

I guess I missed that one because mine IS actually in my livingroom in front of my sofa holding up coffee cups!

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