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I'm looking for a single Probe Sportsman Race Series piston (#14213-020). This is a forged 383/408 stroker piston with a 16cc dish for a Ford 351C.

Looking for a single used piston in excellent condition. But if you know of a new set sitting on a shelf somewhere, I'm willing to buy the entire set if necessary.

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Thanks Joules. I had been searching the country for this piston and ordered a set from RPM Machine back in April, but they couldn't deliver. They thought they had a set on the shelf but can't find it, and weren't able to find another set for me. So now I'm reaching out to anyone who might have a good used piston.

Next option, look at the cost to custom forge a single piston, or replace them all with another brand of forged stroker piston - although that starts to get much more expensive.

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