any reason it is contrasting the hood's color/finish?
There are a couple of unpainted aluminum or metal parts such as hood rivits, hood pins, g a s filler and silver rims. There are also some aluminum interior parts such as shifter, enviro knobs etc. Plus since it was done from stainless in a way that did not need to be painted. I can always paint it later. I did wire brush it so it's not shiny
I thought this was cool. I saved most of the metal I cut out of the car during restoration...for this single photo which I took this evening. The metal is now in the dumpster.
awesome Comp..... !!
I don't know how long you've owned 1905, but I always found an attachment to every single piece of that old metal. Some more than others, but it still felt weird to throw that stuff out.
I've followed this from the beginning and the engineering and functionality in this build is exceptional. It's hard to think of all the finishing details when you're so deep into designing all the tech that's inside 1905.
I love it just as it is. But if desired it's easy to cover, wrap, or paint anything and probably smarter to make those cosmetic calls after you've lived with it for a while.
I've followed this from the beginning and the engineering and functionality in this build is exceptional. It's hard to think of all the finishing details when you're so deep into designing all the tech that's inside 1905.
I love it just as it is. But if desired it's easy to cover, wrap, or paint anything and probably smarter to make those cosmetic calls after you've lived with it for a while.
I have kept a lot of parts, but what I threw away there I needed a tetanus shot for!
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