You are such a Star!!!
I just Googled Steve and saw this post, so haven't really looked at the site yet. Perhaps my question was premature

I've photographed and catalogued everything, just trying to find out what the actual names of it is?! "Big metal Pantera logoed thingies" is currently what they're under, in my photo library. The gauges and plates I have on Ebay.
Just wondering, as I'm sort of dealing with all of this alone in Edmonton, were you friends with him? You knew he was a serious cat person!!! Before listing anything, I have to hoover his stuff as there's bloody cat hairs everywhere?!
BTW, not that it matters, but he was a mere 44. So young....and again, I thank you profusely for your post as Steve left a lot of unfinished business that I'm still trying to get my head around.
Ample smiles to you!