High guys, I wish to tell You about me dealing with Precision pro-formance. I was looking for a brake booster with master cylinder and clutch master cylinder plus a gas cable for a stock brakes push button. I tryed to reach them via email but that did not seem to work, so I called them and got Bob on the phone, he said this has happend before so I could send him a message, ok sofare( he could send me a message via email but I could not return an answer). So I asked him for the parts and Bob said they had them in stock. On our first contact I told him I was caling from Belgium, Now I asked him to give me an estimate for the shipping witch was not indicated witch seems a ligit question because shipping can be expensive, I tought appertley not what Bob tought he said: I will later today box it weigh itand go to the post office and get a cost for shipping and even mail You back. With the word even my sarcasme alert went on but I thought what the heck. Nothing happend for a few days so I text him back and he replaid saying: Ok so here we go.. O I need a shipping adress. I replaid: that he was waisting his as being a desk jockey, my friend. Havend got no replay sofore. Now I dont think this realy a good way dealing with a costumer or am I wrong. Plus I would have to give my credit card data to a comedian. Let me know what You guys think?
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