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Ok car was running in the drive was running in the drive way and it overheated and blew out of the resivior cap. I have a fluidyne radiator with 2 sucker fans. Its reading 200 on the gauge. Took a laser thermometer and the driver head is 180 degrees and the passanger head is 220 degrees. But my radiator at the fron is reading 170. Any ideas? Car has 23742 miles on it. 1972L. It had sat for 14 years in a garage in tennessee before i got it last august.
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...the one thing I know of, to make the Engine Boil-Over SO quickly, is a 'Stuck Shut' Thermostat.

Been sitting for 14 Years!? The Radiator is Cool, the Hot Coolant is NOT getting to It!

I also like Rockys' idea of the 'Air Pocket' in the Head/Block. Preventing the Waterpump from Circulating the Coolant!
Just like an 'Embolism'.
The most likely, even though it is UNLIKELY, is that the cap on the pressure tank isn't sealing at all.

You need to pressure test the entire system first. Then test the cap.

Buy or rent the Stant pressure testing kit. It's about $120 but it is worth it. It won't go to waste.

I don't have the temperature chart in front of me but I think that with no cap, the system will "boil over" at something like 215 degrees.

With the pressure cap, 16 pound, working and 50/50 anti-freeze, it won't boil over until 252.

That seems to be the most likely scenario.

Even if you have a new cap 1) sometimes they are bad out of the box 2) you may have a cap that is not compatible with the European filler neck on the pressure tank 3) even pressure test a new cap to be 100 % certain it is ok.

You do not want to be guessing at anything on a Pantera. For one thing, it is too difficult a car to work on and forget about having to fix it out on the road.
The radiator was the first thing i did when i got the car. It was doing fine was setting timing the other day thats when it blew the cap. Today i replaced my oil pan gasket and had to remove the resevior water line. When i filled it it burped twice big time. My gauge said 200. And there was a 40 degree diff in the head temp. Measure on the same spots in the middle of heads
Did the old front down low back up high.. Haha sounds funny. Still gettin 200 after 5 mins or so of just idleing. When i open the bleeder on the radiator t burps a little then stream. Close it and it burps a little more air. I think i have a air bubble.? And had to add quite a bit of fluid again. But my oil is clear no wAter
If your description is accurate, the temperatures are accurate, it can't be boiling over. It isn't hot enough.

Hot spots in the head are an indication of air in the system.

What water pump are you using? Does it have the bypass hole drilled in it? The Wieand doesn't.

What thermostat is in there? Are you sure it is for the Cleveland and not the Windsor?

Marlin here is really the expert on that subject. Perhaps he will help you with that part?

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