Because I’m in the middle of putting an engine together for my car I’m working right now on my engine breather stuff..
now there are things I like and things I do not like and it’s not easy to find stuff I like… So in the end, it comes down to modifying or building things…
I see quite some Panteras who have just those little filters stuck on the two holes of the covers… And to all the people here who have that - please - that is not helping…
you pull the dipstick out of those Pantera’s with those filters on the valve covers, I bet you five dollars that the oil will be black black black.
It’s the same thing if you put your finger in your exhaust pipe, it will be black… It’s the same stuff that goes into your oil.. and you let it sit there and finally mix with your oil..
Now most people, when they hear the words “PCV valve”, they think its just smog equipment and get rid of it. well it is required for smog but it is just a side effect.. positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) is a good thing - a very good thing… if its done right-with a few extra (or missing) pieces! A catch can… the baffles in the valve covers in front of the breather holes, PCV valve… stuff many Panteras don’t have anymore…
… did I wake anyone up… 😴😵💫