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Hello to all.

My name is Dino, from Zagreb, Croatia, 45 years, automotive journalist. As I am specialized in oldtimers and car history I wrote several articles about Mr. De Tomaso and his cars during my career. I signed up here to specifically address two things and I am going to post those in separate threads but can sum it up here as well.

First, in about one month there will be a great event in my hometown, annual car design conference called auto(r). We had an opportunity to welcome some really important car designers in past years but I am really proud to announce that Mr. Tom Tjaarda will attend this year's conference. As I am trying to gather some of cars designed by our guests for a short one day exhibition during the conference and there are no De Tomaso cars in Croatia I'd like to invite anyone from close countries like Italy or Austria who might be interested to visit.

Second, for years I'm trying to find out more about two Mangustas that were in former Yugoslavia - I'll post it in the appropriate sector of the forum.

Last but not least, I am a car fan since my earliest age but one Pantera was quite influential in my formative years. I spent my childhood at island of Losinj in the Adriatic Sea and a local girl came back to her hometown around 1975. with her Italian boyfriend in a beautiful Pantera GTS. I can recall the car 40 years on even if I can't remember the color - it was beautiful. Unfortunately later they had a puncture and went off the road at the neighboring island of Cres. No one was hurt but Pantera had been written off. I believe that remains of the car were latter towed back to italy but don't know for sure.
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