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v4d1s, Welcome! We just recently joined the Fraternal Order of Pantera Owners. When we pulled into the previous owners driveway. 1717 was sitting there, my wife was already convinced THAT was the one. I was unsure. After reviewing all of the data on the numerous sites the guys here let me know about on what to look for in these cars. We finished our close to 1800 mile journey to bring home this beauty.
This car is so fun to drive. The attention she brings anywhere she is driven is incredible. Just watch the qawkers they sometimes drift into your lane.
My wife and I went to dinner last weekend...we sat near a window to keep a eye on the cat. But at one point we had eight people standing around the Pantera looking at her! Lets see a Z06 do that.
Again Welcome and Good Luck.
I didn't know that there were so many female Panteras out there.
I never thought of mine as being male or female.

In hindsight it could explain why it has attached itself to me, is so tempermentatl and so needy.

Maybe when it is time to go, it is a divorce Italian style, and there are no lawyers involved.
Just a big cat fight, a bottle of wine and a shotgun.Hum?
Sophia Loren? OK. I see that I am being led down the road to hell here.

Yup. I've been working on getting the cockpit, ah, the cabin, yea that's it a little more comfortable.

It's more roomy now and I don't like to come out of it. The skins, ah, the leather is nice and soft to the touch.

The controls fall nicely at hand. I can play there for hours.

If you wiggle around a little the seat makes this nice moaning sound.

Yup, it must be female all right.
Originally posted by PanteraDoug:
Sophia Loren? OK. I see that I am being led down the road to hell here.

Yup. I've been working on getting the cockpit, ah, the cabin, yea that's it a little more comfortable.

It's more roomy now and I don't like to come out of it. The skins, ah, the leather is nice and soft to the touch.

The controls fall nicely at hand. I can play there for hours.

If you wiggle around a little the seat makes this nice moaning sound.

Yup, it must be female all right.

... and to think you made fun of me for wanting to screw the exaust pipes. Reminds me of the guy shepard who was caught by his buddies humping a sheep. When they started laughing at him he said he said he knew they did the same thing. They explained it wasn't what he was doing that was funny, but the fact he choose the ugliest sheep to do it with. :P
Most on this forum know that I have physical limitations and just getting into the Pantera from my power wheelchair can be a challenge. Sometimes I think I should just sell it and act my age. Then I go out to the garage and look at that beauty, climb into it and bring it to life.
The rumble permeates through my entire body and stimulates the senses like no drug could possibly do.

Driving this car provides therapy unavailable anywhere else on the planet. Kids and old alike wave and give a thumbs-up, some even hang out their windows and wave with both hands.

I can think of no other vehicle which gives this exhileration. I'm not disabled, I have a Pantera, and there are few cars which give anything close to the bang this ride offers.
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