[QUOTE]Originally posted by jack deryke:
[B]Depends on whether you've got a '71 or later car. The '71c cable runs through the rt rocker panel while the '72 & up runs through the console.
>>>Uh, that's the A/C lines, not the battery cable? Every car I've seen to include GT5-S runs the battery cable through the right-side rocker panel. On '71 cars it gets very crowded in there, with the two A/C hoses and the wiring harness.
I changed mine out for 00 welding cable by attaching a battery terminal clamp to the new cable, then bolting the two clamps together and pulling the old cable through, which of course then pulled the new cable with it. But it was a non-trivial exercise, made more difficult by the fact that my seat belt retractor holes are welded up.
Pull your passenger side inertia reel and you should be able to reach into the rocker panel and help the new cable through the various panels it needs to go through.