Dear Mike,
There are advantages and disadvantages to aluminum and copper/brass radiators. I prefer the copper/brass radiators because they are more robust and can be repaired. A copper/brass radiator I bought from Pantera Performance Center about twenty-five years ago underwent repairs twice and finally became terminal. That was due to the solder having oxidized sufficiently to begin crumbling. The radiator was re-cored for the astounding sum of about $1100.
The economics of that relates to aluminum radiators. Because of the federal fuel economy mandates, the manufacturers opt for light weight aluminum. There are so many cars with them as well as manufacturers, the economy of scale has made them much cheaper than brass/copper radiators.
The economics of brass/copper radiators is that their manufacture requires some chemicals and metals on the EPA and OSHA bad lists, which raises the overhead from the paperwork and protocols to make the feds happy. Also, the cost of worker's compensation insurance is higher due to the toxic exposure potential. Due to those factors and the much smaller market for brass/copper radiators the costs have gone way up.
However, if the new radiator re-build lasts as long as the first, then I won't be around to deal with its replacement or repair. I would be inclined to talk to Superior Radiator conveniently near you.
Warmest regards, Chuck Engles