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I have gotten response about lack of recent pictures. Since I am 500 miles away from the car, never get to see it, that is hard to do, So my Daughter agreed to make some pictures for me and she emailed them to me.
I will upload them here as I make them small enough to fit on the site.


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Damn cap locks. Why do they put that thing so close to the shift key anyway? Talk about faulty design, Make Pinto exploding gas tanks seem minor by comparison.
Next is the front trunk. It isn't very big, but it can hold some stuff, like a brief case and duffle bags and such. It has all the original tag thingies that tell you what the serial number is and what timing and oil to use.


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Here is the same trunk as taken from the other side of the car.
I got lots more pictures and I will post them as I resize them. I even got pictures of the rust issue and I will upload them too so anyone who is interested will see exactly what they would be getting themselves into with this car. I am hiding nothing.


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Ok, here is the really bad part about my car. THE RUST!! It has been hard for me to look at these detailed pictures, let alone post them, but I want potential buyers to know the ugly truth. So here goes.
Here is a shot taken through the Campis. Look closely and you can see rust specks.


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