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Cool if your in the 8th grade!!!
Awwww lighten up guys, at least he's having fun in his mind.
I'd rather see this than a video of a garage queen that's reversed out and revved up like so many YouTube videos.
I'd rather see this than a video of a garage queen that's reversed out and revved up like so many YouTube videos.
He's putting a Pantera in the spot light, in the public eye. Letting the young folks have a look-see at a piece of automotive history so they can look-on, dropped jaw, point and say "wow! what kind of car is that?"
No complaints here.
No complaints here.
No problem here. At least it's not on a public street.
That's Italy guys - Italians do treat you like a real hero if you drive one of their supercars, the bigger the engine, the more they love it (because of the Italian tax system, big engines are quite rare in italy), even more if you just like this guy, do more with it than just showing off, driving it slowly back and forth the boulevards. Even here in the Italian neighbourhoods in Belgium, people come out for any kind of nice Italian car, not even necessarily a supercar. Can’t see that happen when I would take a Volvo to Sweden… My favourite country to drive a(n Italian) car by far. All of you guys should at least once in your life take your cars to Italy, drift and been applaud by the cops, just imagine that, cops pulling you over, just to check out your car, and ask you whether they can take a seat in it, drive way too fast, and get thumbs up (only appreciated if doing so with Italian wheels)… That’s Italy, I love it, and I look forward to the day I can drive my panter over the mountains to Italy!!!
Definitely a big hooray and free pizza for this guy!
It's a bit like people stating they love pizza, and their favourite place to eat it is Pizza Hut. No offence, but the "stuff" they sell there, is not even worth being called pizza, in no way comparable to what they serve in Italy.
Real pizza, and cars driven the way they should, therefore you need to go to italy!
Definitely a big hooray and free pizza for this guy!
It's a bit like people stating they love pizza, and their favourite place to eat it is Pizza Hut. No offence, but the "stuff" they sell there, is not even worth being called pizza, in no way comparable to what they serve in Italy.
Real pizza, and cars driven the way they should, therefore you need to go to italy!
I agree with George here.
Just listen to the young girl's screams. She is having a blast watching this great classic car roar. (man the sound of a Cleveland is waaay cool !)
But someone tell me what is up with the roof lights ?
Just listen to the young girl's screams. She is having a blast watching this great classic car roar. (man the sound of a Cleveland is waaay cool !)
But someone tell me what is up with the roof lights ?
quote:Originally posted by Pantera 4134:
But someone tell me what is up with the roof lights ?
Hah, to keep track of the car in the cloud of smoke of course...

The Cariplo foundation seems to sponsor some car/bike events, so I guess the car was used for one of those events (did some Googleing).
Were those Pinto tail lamps?
I wish I could let go like that... I just can't do it... I have trouble tickling 6K RPM lest I be guilt stricken should something happen. I am starting to relax though....
I think it is great to see someone doing that. I am a fan of anyone that drives their car and exposes people to the brand.
quote:have trouble tickling 6K RPM lest I be guilt stricken should something happen
Yup, know the feeling.
But now and then I just have to run 2511 up to 6300 or so. There is a special sound that starts to come on around 6100, and no, it is not the engine starting to let go....

Two thunbs up! 8th grade was one of my favorites.

I'd say after looking at the vid, our cars have a lot of potential for drifting contests.
I might think twice before beating the ever living dog snot out of my pantera, but I did enjoy watching someone else do it
I might think twice before beating the ever living dog snot out of my pantera, but I did enjoy watching someone else do it

I dunno, I thought it was pretty cool. Better a Pantera generating that much interest than a Subaru IMO.

quote:Originally posted by ktmike:
Two thunbs up! 8th grade was one of my favorites.
Hey grade 8 was the 3 best years of my life

quote:driving it slowly back and forth the boulevards
I did actually get to go to Italy once(my ex and I had our honeymoon there in the early 90's)
I never really did see any real slow driving, except when people were crossing the street. Now that was differant then in the states! Dont look at the driver just go and they will stop.

But to the point. The taxi ride from the airport to the Hotel in Rome was lets say a eye opener for the driving skills of a Italian taxi driver.
I never knew a traffic light was just a info aid. I was in the front seat the ex was in the back of this little Fiat, coming up to a very busy intersection and the light turns yelllow...taxi doesnt slow dowm I swear he floored it, light turns red and I see a very nice brand new Mercedes slamming on the brakes in the opposite side he had his left hand turn signal on, a very dapper Polizia standing on the corner. Now life seems to be in slow motion at this point but the driver nails the horn and does a Le Mans dogleg around a slowing car in front of us. All the other traffic is nailing there brakes and still with that Fiats horn going we barrel through the intersection unharmed.
I turn around knowing that cop was going to get on his radio to call in this dangerous driving I just participated in. But nope he never even looked at us. The look on my ex's face at that point was priceless.
We made it to the Olympic hotel shaken but unmarmed.
The Pantera in the video kinda of reminds me of that taxi ride.