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Hey guys. Looking to get my car shown at the Toronto Auto show but I need votes in order to get there. Ive got some tough competition. Please take a moment to hit the vote button and pass it on to your friends on social media if you could. There are 2 Panteras on the site and you can vote for both. Thanks
And maybe someone could pass this onto the Realbig Pantera forum?
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Ok, we've got to have more than 239 folks on the forums - let's all vote for Will and Dave's cars (yes, you can vote for both). Otherwise, the Auto Show will be overrun with Mustangs (not that there's anything wrong with that - but wouldn't a little variety be nice?)


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I've been voting a few times a day using different computers but something isn't adding up. I don't remember seeing the teal green 2017 Mustang before yesterday and already it has 1000+ votes. Makes me wonder if the Russians are hacking in and skewing the results.

And even if not, some of those other high-vote cars are so rough I can't believe they've received legitimate votes.

I don't remember seeing the teal green 2017 Mustang before yesterday and already it has 1000+ votes. Makes me wonder if the Russians are hacking in and skewing the results.

And even if not, some of those other high-vote cars are so rough I can't believe they've received legitimate votes.

I was over on the Sting Ray forum and here's what one of the guys said over there ...

Everyone - thank-you for your votes...unfortunately - there is some cheating going on ( I was also approached by this company to add votes to my total ) - so I'm out. It was a fun thing to try - thanks again!

Sad that there are companies offering to add votes (there are also votebots which any kid with a computer can get and use, and proxy anonymizers for the person with lots of time and a quality mouse). And sadder still that a participant pulled out because of what he sees happening with the voting Frowner

If anyone does use these services I wonder how they live with themselves, or how they can face friends, family, coworkers and customers that they've likely asked to vote for them, and when those people walk up to them to say congratulations, they have to somehow smile and look proud of their accomplishment.

As for the AutoShow and Legendary Motorcar Company, if they don't fix things, they're going to be stuck trailering in 5 modern Mustangs, 2 modern vettes and an older Trans-Am (but nothing older than '77) and displaying them as being the cars with the greatest "WOW factor". I know that none of the cars in the current top 8 would make me cross the road for a better look - let alone travel to the AutoShow. I'd definitely go if there was a Pantera (biased), and likely go for the Koenigsegg, the F-40, even the Studebaker Commander (hey, even the vette that's bondo and primer would elicit smiles from show visitors as would the '60 mustangs & vettes), but if I wanted to see a 2017 Mustang I'd go to a dealership or visit the Ford display at the show - and as for the next 7 cars in the list, nope, nothing, no emotion, might as well be a cluster of mid-90's Tauruses.

Here are the tallies today (@2:20 this afternoon), like the Mustang Mark spotted the other day, today there is a vette that wasn't on the list yesterday, and he was adding votes like there's no tomorrow (from 10:45-11:45am this morning, he added over 800 votes, and as of 12:40pm, he's was first place with over 3700 votes and a lead of about 500 votes). He must have a lot of friends on social media, or a significant e-mail list to get that kind of result so quickly although once he got well into first place, the voting has dried up to one or two in the last hour.

Be all that as it may, we should still vote for Will and Dave on the chance that the AutoShow flushes out any contestants that bent the rules.


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So the question becomes will they have the guts to call out the questionable parties and disqualify them? I doubt they have the capabilities of determining if the votes are "legitimate" or auto generated. I go to car shows regularly and am dismayed at the number of cars displayed that are basically right off the showroom floor especially the Challengers and Mustangs.
I went to one local benefit show where the corvette that won the best in show trophy had been driven directly from the dealership, with the interior still wrapped in all the plastic protection, paper floor mats and the caution tag still attached to the rear view mirror. I had to laugh. Despite the ludicrous outcome, it was a benefit show and I still had a great time showing off my Pantera.
Looks like the show is cleaning things up. Over night the top 2 entries both added about 1100 votes each, but about 1/2 hour ago, the top 6 cars were all reset and all have fewer than 5 votes each.

Not sure if they will continue to analyze and purge votes, or perhaps re-instate votes for any of the 6 cars (they didn't remove/disqualify them, so who knows what will happen)

Anyway, I'll post the numbers again later today as things look like they are in flux just now ... in the mean time, cast your votes for Will and David (if you like their Panteras).
The purging has resumed - two of the top 20 lost their votes this morning when they put the contest on a temporary hold. And one of the cars that lost all of their votes last week (the teal Mustang) is now out of the contest - they had been getting a few votes again (fewer than 50 though) don't know if they were ultimately disqualified, or if they just pulled themselves out for personal reasons.

Some other oddities over the last few days:
One of the top 10 doubled his votes overnight, moving him into the top 8 (which is where the winners will be).
Surprisingly one of the ones who lost his votes on Jan. 6th is back in the top 8, but instead of a metoric rise like last week his numbers are rising at a rapid, but more cautious pace.

What I think I've learned from all of this is DON'T PLAY CARDS WITH CAR GUYS!

Numbers as of 10ish last night and 11ish this morning ...


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  • Auto_Show_Votes_Jan_9th

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