I was eyeballing this mod for quite some time now and I always came up with “if someone accidentally bumps my car I will be grateful I didn’t do the bumper mod… it’s the smart thing to do/not to do”…
We had to take the bumpers of for some other work and OMG that thing is heavy… and the mounting struts are even heavier… and all this BEHIND the rear axle….
i just couldn’t help myself…L - Bumper is gone and instead I opted for 2 useless but much much lighter pieces of fiberglass! And I think it looks better as well…. It took a bit of sanding to make the gaps right but I’m quite happy with the result!
squeezed 2 Riv-nuts per side after marking position on tape.. level (with the bottom of the taillight indentation) , close to the body on the outside… put studs in for easiest installation…
interesting factoid.. the holes for the small bumpers where already there but patched up… go figure…🤪
do they help in case of a love bump..??
yes, they do! They will make an alarming braking sound which will make you investigate what happened!