Im trying to make a series of original campys with Arrivas to my cat. I bought series of wheels from ebay and found out they were nice but somewhat pitted and worn looking. Soda blasting and sanding etc and result was quite nice. Had to use some filler for hole like pittnings.
I was searching for the right colours for campys and found the dizler code but wasn't able to locate the color here in Finland. Propably the difference of the charts and makers. I just painted the wheels with color 293 396 Rover Argent silver.
Maybe you could be a judge how the color looks!? For powder coating propably Eastwoods silver is good.
I havent seen any original campys alive here so my idea was based only on pictures. Paint was made with much less lacquer so the result was more grayish than silver. I intend to make this series only for show use.
Originals were propably powder coated to my knoledge but that was out of the question because I had to use a bit filler for the pittings.
Peter and poison green 2206
Next thing is to try to bend hard rubber arrivas on these.