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Originally posted by Whiplash:
This is one of the Panteras purchased from PI Motorsports for the production. There were four cars used in total. We were told that none of them were destroyed. The cars are to be used in another production in the near future, details of which we cannot reveal quite yet but it will be another major motion picture. Dave

It will be great to see these cars in more movies.

I expect this to double the price of my car if I sell it. Smiler
I sold them one of the cars that was really a basket case that I bought in san Diego. it did not run but it had the engine and trans in the car. After they filmed the movie I went back to the production company to try and buy the car back and it was in pieces.doors were off windshield missing and rear suspension was off the car on the right side. when I sold them the car it was white and they repainted it black.mike mayberry
Yeah looks like they were trying to duplicate my car. Yeah, I am legendary and I can see why they wanted it to look like my car, but they should have consulted me cause they got a few details wrong. If they had asked me real nice I might have even starred in the movie, being how I don't have a job right now. Too bad. It would have been fun playing myself in a movie. Cool
Well just back from Fast5 midnight showing. The Pantera got a few minutes of fame, basically just got slid sideways from rail car onto a flat bed then bed is tilted rearward and car is driven thru a field.(Must had a major lift kit to do that so 2 cars). Same for the GT40 , but then it got some camera time later as it got taken apart. The Mako Shark Vette got similar exposure but from one of the previews two of them got totally destroyed.

Loved the movie for what it was 2 hours of entertainment plenty of cars, crashes, action beautiful shots of Rio and of course a few girls.

ps the GT40 sorta sounded weak even if it showed GurneyWestlake valve covers.

pps stay thru credits to view an easter egg.
Originally posted by Denis C:
pps stay thru credits to view an easter egg.

Went to the midnight showing of the movie also. Nice scene with the Pantera. The movie has good entertainment value as always.

I didn't stay through the credits to see if they leave parting clip. I'm curious now what the clip was so spill the beans please Wink
Originally posted by LIV1S:
Originally posted by Denis C:
pps stay thru credits to view an easter egg.

Went to the midnight showing of the movie also. Nice scene with the Pantera. The movie has good entertainment value as always.

I didn't stay through the credits to see if they leave parting clip. I'm curious now what the clip was so spill the beans please Wink

Eva Mendez comes into The Rock's office and shows him a file about a heist that recently went down. He tells her that he is not interested because it wasn't Toretto that pulled it off. She then shows him a file with pictures of the Michelle Rodriguez character who is thought to be dead and asks him if believes in ghosts.

I thought the movie was BY FAR the best one of the five.

Originally posted by 1973 Pantera:
Photos of one of the Fast 5 Panteras


There was an article in one of the import mags about the cars on FF5. The guy in charge of the cars for the film commented about the stock Pantera overheating in 75degree weather. Who's the idiot that put a glass window in the decklid openning?

They didn't even bother cleaning the undercarriage, it looks like crap. Oh well, good thing they were only intested in beauty shots of the car. It looked great on film.
We saw the movie. It was all good fun. No Pantera was crashed. The black car from PI Motorsports was the only Pantera in the show. Although it only appeared at the start of the film, the action sequence was pretty exciting and the lettering on the car was prominent, DeTomaso Pantera. The car was in an action scene and did a few brody's in the sand and then took off, not to be seen again. What we liked was that the car thieves were brought in to steal this Pantera, a GT40 and the Sebring Corvette. They were valuable cars. Happy to see "valuable" associated with a Pantera again.
For the millions of movie-goers who see the film, we think the Pantera made a nice impression.
We took a lot of flack at PIM from a handful (a small minority) of uber-enthusiasts for selling the cars to the movie producers because they would surely be crashed. One gentleman tried to start a boycott against PI Motorsports for our customer's decision to sell his car to the producers. The cars were not crashed to our knowledge and it all worked out in the end.
I thought it was great to see the black Pantera in the movie.

Originally posted by Whiplash:

... We took a lot of flack at PIM from a handful (a small minority) of uber-enthusiasts for selling the cars to the movie producers ... One gentleman tried to start a boycott against PI Motorsports ...

some people have too much spare time.

The reality is even the small exposure the car got in the movie went a long way in promoting the marquee. I'm sure a lot of people who didn't know about the car walked away from the movie wanting to know what it was. If you know of how much impact the first movie had on the resale of the Toyota Supra in the collector market you would realize exposure in this movie was a win win especially with how they portrayed the car in the same exclusive league as the gt40.

To the person who instigated the boycott... get a life.
I think the exposure is a double-edged sword.

I agree that the exposure will increase interest and the street value of our cars. Supply and demand.

I also think that for those of us who need parts for our restoration and projects, we could see the increased interest also decrease the availability of parts. As a result, part prices could go up. Now, if there was a big enough demand, parts could be reproduced, but I'm not sure the demand is there for an increase in reproduced parts.

By the way, which car from PIM was it? The "Tin Man", the car from Nevada, or another?
Last edited by George P
Originally posted by Whiplash:
I don't want to name the individual but his post should still be archived for this Forum. We checked on this person and discovered he had never been a customer in the first place. We understand the passion enthusiasts have but we still have "innocent until proven guilty". Here, we were the opposite.

That's funny. Hundreds of Panteras have been crashed by the unfortunate and idiotic, yet without raising the Pantera's image, value, or status one grain.

So even if the car were harmed to help the entire community, it would be noble.

Yet in this case, the postive benefits arose AND the car wasn't harmed. A 'win win'.
Originally posted by A Hudson:
That's funny. Hundreds of Panteras have been crashed by the unfortunate and idiotic, yet without raising the Pantera's image, value, or status one grain.

So even if the car were harmed to help the entire community, it would be noble.

Yet in this case, the postive benefits arose AND the car wasn't harmed. A 'win win'.

Well said, and I completely agree.

I also think people can do whatever they want with their property, even if it isn't something I would do.

But, I am happy that we aren't like some Enzo or Ford GT owners that say "wahoo, the value of my car just went up" whenever one of them is totaled in the news.
I agree with your remarks. This reminds me of a Pantera we once sold in just one day. I will leave the names out. The subject Pantera was a former show winner. It was intense red color and appeared very stock. It had 8s and 10s on her. The engine bay was one of the best presentations of a Cleveland I had ever seen. Everything on this car was outstanding. Sadly, the original owner went through a divorce and we received the car on consignment.
We had a customer who had been waiting for a car like this and once he saw it, he wrote a big check with a smile.
On the way home from our showroom, the new owner decided to drop the hammer and the Pantera went out of control and slammed into a tree, sustaining considerable damage. Even though us owners are used to driving a Pantera even where the horsepower has been doubled or higher, to somebody new to the hobby, 350-400 horsepower can get them in trouble quickly.
When the former owner heard the bad news about what happened, he was heart-broken. However, he was reconciled to the fact that the new owner could do with his car as he pleased and if it was his intention to drive it wrecklessly, that's life.
In the Fast Five scenario, we as dealers had cars on consignment and when a live buyer shows-up with cash in hand, we must present the offer to the owner and it is his decision whether or not to decline the offer. Here, one seller even wanted to obtain front row seats at the filming to watch his car be crashed.
What we took away from the whole situation is that if a car is going to be used in a manner that it can be damaged or destroyed, we will alert the owner of these possibilities and let the owner make the final call. We are pleased that this all worked out well in the end and that the remaining cars will also be used in an upcoming major motion picture. We consider the matter now closed.
I'd better chime in here. I haven't been hiding, but have been off line for a while.

I admit I probably got a bit carried away when suggesting to buy elsewhere. It's of course up to every individual to "vote with their money". But as you say, and I'm happy you understand, "the passion" for me is revitalizing, improving and keeping these cars alive. It's not about money for me at all. And I don't care about the "fame" of the brand. To be honest I prefer the incognito status.

But to each his own. And I think we as a community contain all opinions more or less. Views like "So even if the car were harmed to help the entire community, it would be noble" are very far from my views...

Some answers to postings on this topic:

some people have too much spare time

get a life

Comments like that do not help free opinion in this forum.

We checked on this person and discovered he had never been a customer in the first place.

At the start of my Pantera ownership (2006) I only bought from PI, I remember steering wheel and Fluidyne radiator and lots of small stuff.
Originally posted by No Quarter:

... Comments like that do not help free opinion in this forum ...

Free Opinion is NOT the mission of this forum. The mission of this forum is to provide a means for members to share their experiences and information; thereby supporting each other and creating a global community.

Your earlier comments advising others to boycott PI Motorsports were not supportive, they did not build community; they were divisive. Members of this forum are expected to use good judgement and employ self control in their postings, if you have nothing constructive to write, write nothing at all.

I'll be the first to admit however that none of us are perfect, and there is room for mistakes as long as a member is willing to recognize his/her mistakes and avoid making them again.

As most of you know, I read these forums when time permits each and every day to ensure threads are started in the proper forums, and to ensure everyone remains respectful. But sometimes a post will fall under my "radar". I apologize to the folks at PI Motorsports for missing the offending post. I would like to assure you, if I had found it I would have deleted it.

Lets learn and move on. This thread is locked.

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