If you’re driving your car, like most of us, where a trip out in the Pantera is a special event…. I would check it before every time I go out, just so that I can build a mental picture of what it’s doing.
I would do the same for the oil, brake fluid, and clutch fluid. I would check the level in the ZF fairly regularly as well.
Everyone of these cars is somewhat different.
Once you get a good feel that your coolant (and other fluid) levels are stable, then you don’t have to worry as much about it.
Millions of these engines ran in station wagons… They generally worked pretty good.
These are good cars, but you’re going to have to make sure your’s was treated well.
Good luck with it – not sure that I helped very much, but those are my suggestions… I check my fluid levels the night before every drive, but I don’t really ever expect to find anything amiss…
PS. Post up a picture for us. Everybody wants to see your car!