Yes,they were very crude but still whoever formed them was very talented. 8ma 692
Yes, he formed it out of one piece of metal. He was a greate artist.
He did some art works (copper forming) in vienna
and additional he fellowed his hobby with oldtimers.
Unfortunately he passed away some years ago.
He used the papers as templates for the metal work (see pic)
Enclosed some additional pictures.
My original shields have no additional alu layer inside, but as Lea said, it would make sense.
...Christian, sorry, I lied, at least another picture shows exactly only the same fold yours show (whatever that thing that looks like a misaligned 2nd layer in the above photo, somehow moved to the other hole, instead I'll trust the pic here that matches yours!) --Lee
898 has double layers... I had to "adjust" them slightly for the big bore headers...
Could be another VIN range item, like two piece seats or switches above radio or below...