Thanks for the info Boss, I was looking into swapping them around and might still do that but I was trying not to remove the headers ( the left side area is quite tight).
I DID get the engine together and started yesterday, but now I think I created a new problem due to the new NAPA 197 stat not opening and overheating the engine. I am most likely going to replace the headgaskets, then it would be a bit easier to swap the mounts side to side. One of the reasons I wanted the engine raised also was that the bottom of the pan was pushing down on the brake cabling area, think moving the engine back would give more clearance for that?
And all this started with a compressor upgrade/replacement...I was hooking up the refrigerant to start the charging process when it started to overheat. sheesh.

You wouldn't have a pic of your front engine placement by any chance would ya?