filled radiator, pressure tested after i had double and triple check all the hose clips and joins I belive there are 41 joins in my cooling system, ( may be forgetting the to heater hoses where they conect to the heater.)
anyway had a little drip at the breather up front and checking under the car a decent sized one under the car middle.
check hoses and quick find had tightened everthing except the brass bug at top of water pump. ( needs to be slightly tighter than finger tight.)
Used a vacume ventury system recomended by Mike Drew.
worked very well and would have worked even better had i found the loose plug sooner.
so coolant in Battery conected, the first $50.00 of fuel to pass her lips for 8 years we then hit the ignition, cranked and cranked and finally fuel arrived and she coughed then caught the first time i have heard her in 8 yrs. a rush.
followd by more rushing to get rags and stop new car from going up in flames. as we had fuel dripping out in 3 spots in the new areo fuel rail.
provied with incorrect washers where it connected to the new 650 Holly and a little breather bug that leaked and needed some sealer.
luckily i still had the original waasher that mr Holly had provided and he had a change around and no leaks.
timing done, cam had its running in party and a beer by us to celibrate.
had a smalll drive once clutch adusted to get some gears.
what a glorious sound.
popped her back in the shed turned the key of and it didn't miss a beat. just kept ruuning even with the key out of the ignition. so we now have next weeks job.
No tach working with new MSD ignition. even though i have installed the correct tach adaptor, may have to try it with out one.
well guys, still have a ton of work todo but have had a smile on my face for most of the day.