This year there was a forecast for rain, the skies were overcast, I believe some of the folks who had planned to attend stayed at home for that reason. There were a few sprinkles just before lunch. The turn-out was still good.
By the way, Jerry Sacket's Pantera was equipped with PI Motorsport's new Big Throat mufflers, and they looked and sounded real good.

Forum member Scott Bell and his son Chris (aka Z06 Pantera).

Something rare, Judy McCartney showed up WITH HER PANTERA! Her silver Pantera shows impeccable taste.

It wouldn't be a Pantera show without Carol Coyne in attendance. That's Jim's wife (i.e. technosound)

Jeff and Kim Stovall came all the way from Michigan to attend (i.e. OSOFAST)

Enough hot dogs for everybody. Dave Sacket was the grill master.

Music provided by a band called Posi Traction

That's Justin, running the Pantera International booth

Linda Adler ran the PI Motorsports booth

Hi Dave!