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Recently I had the opportunity to run the car on a track at the AZPOCA INDE Track Day. We put the car together back in 2017 and it has been driven sparingly but have finally decided it's time to run it a bit. After a few laps it started to develop a noise coming out of the rear of the car. Strangely the noise only could be heard during the turns (both right and left) but nothing could be heard when running light or hard in a straight line. The volume of the noise started low and stayed low and increased with speed again only while cornering.

Some background: Gearbox is full 80/90 Pennzoil GL-5, Half Shafts rebuilt and spun balanced by a competent Drive Train shop, The ZF is an unknown but shifts perfect and has a reasonable lash. Liars Poker says the car has 53k miles. We have checked for excessive play at the rear wheels in both 3 and 9/6 and 12 positions and there is no noticeable motion of the wheels. All bushing and bolts were replaced at reassembly. Someone has been in the rear uprights before: the lower cross bolt area of the casting has grease fittings and they have flowing grease. The axle retention nut is the newer "flat sided" nut (W/O the crown as I've seen in some pictures).

I have reviewed the "Rebuilding The Back Suspension" from The Pantera Place referenced in several earlier Infopop write ups. This write up seams to best reflect the sound but I haven't found any rubbing as the author did!

Two popular scenarios have emerged: First is the Upright Bearings and secondly the the Differential section of the ZF.

First: I'll be rebuilding the Uprights! There appears to be 4 types of bearing configurations from my reading.

A) Stock type bearing replacements: 6208-2RS (40x80x18) and 6308-2RS (40x90x18) both have the rubber side shields on both sides.

B) Modified (no Machining Required) 6308-2RS or 6308-DDU and a 3208B-2RSRTNG (30.2 wide double row BRG for the inner; Wilkinson is mentioned with this variation).

C) Modified (no machining Required) Dick Koch design utilizing double row tapered roller bearings. Apparently this design is only on a couple of cars and information is scarce.

D) Modified with machining involved! Dual Tapered roller bearings which I understand is the "Bullet Proof" option! And again little information can be found on this modification.

The questions:

Have I listed the correct bearing numbers for option A and B?

Does anyone have any information on options C and D? I'd really like to pursue Option C as tapered rollers would be a better option without machining. I have resources to execute Option D if I can secure the information and the bearing numbers involved. But would rather not cut the upright castings.

Sourcing options for the bits, pieces and seals?

A side note while I'm in here with this torn apart: Is there a two piece inner hub and bolt on disc available to replace the stock brake rotor (clearance for 15 inch wheels with the 6 piston Wilwood caliper and park brake kit from SACC)?

Maybe a replacement stock disc drilled and grooved? We can reuse the stock disk but as I said we're in here.

Second: Going into the ZF Differential Section

Is there a ZF Manual that covers these gearboxes (ours is #4104 and is labeled type 2)?

Hoping this is not necessary but could be related!

Winter is coming here in Michigan and like it or not I'll have down time!

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Before you do anything, I'd try a different gear oil. Try to use one that says it's specifically designed for use in manual transmissions or transaxles. The ZF and RBT spec. calls for a GL-4 oil but many people use GL-5 oils without issue. Many 80W90 GL-5 gear oils are designed to be used in differentials only and are too slippery for use with synchros.

I have bearing Option B in my 74 Euro Pantera.  Wilkinson installed them for me.

I have bearing Option D in the project Pantera that I received in February.  The work was originally done by Dennis Quella.  In the photo below, one of the uprights is partially disassembled and the other is fully assembled.  I spoke with Dennis about reassembly and he essentially said to put it back together.  Wilkinson also spoke to Dennis about and then helped me reassemble it.  The bearings are readily available from Temkin.  The Temkin seals were harder to find.  I can dig up the part numbers.  I think Dennis no longer does this.  The spacer between the two tapered bearings needs a specialized machining process in order to size it just so.  Perhaps call there and leave a message if you want to know more.


Images (1)
  • mceclip0

I admit that I don't understand how a system with two tapered roller bearings can work without machining the hub to create a stop for the inner bearing cup.

There is also the option of machining the hub in order to install a double row ball bearing (reference 3308-B-2RS) on the outer side of the hub, where the forces are greatest.

The reason Dennis Quella no longer does the tapered roller bearing conversions is, it’s a lot of work for very little benefit. There’s really nothing wrong with the OEM ball bearings, as long as everything is done correctly; the critical elements being the axles and proper torque. If you feel you need more, do the (easy) double row inner bearing mod. If you want to make the assembly more serviceable, convert to two piece rear rotors mounted on the outside of the hub. This way, you can service the rear rotors by simply removing the calipers. The only caveat is, it pushes your rear wheels an extra 1/4” outboard.

Last edited by davidnunn

On 4406 it was the outer bearings to the point of having damaged the axle because the inner race had rotated around it.

When you look at the geometry it is clear that the outer bearing supports more load and I guess that is why it is bigger.

But I also think that the "huge" tightening torque has not always been respected on all our Panteras over the last 50 years, which has caused many failures.

@joules posted:

We jumped into rebuilding the uprights, no one has mentioned the obvious, a bad half shaft u-joint!

Just asking… how would a half shaft U  -joint know if you drive straight or around a corner… is there a load difference on the shaft I don’t see?

no noise straight but noise around a corner regardless left or right or of any load or speed..

I can’t figure it out… 🤪

Last edited by LeMans850i

I think the tabs are there to stop the sealing cap deforming and leaking grease, they are somewhat useless in locking a round head Allen (socket cap) bolt, to ensure security the way to go would be drill and safety wire. I always change the boots for the Aero style, much less prone to tearing and can work at more acute angles.

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