Or he is starting a production…
@Bell3156 …. Did you hear anything???
Sorry guys, i don’t have an update and he hasn’t given me permission to give his number out.
i’ll send another text but he didn’t respond the last time
Larry Stock had a couple in stock at PPC-Carson City, NV. He also has the Revson molds to make more, in two styles (one has a small splitter). Call him- he answers the phone.
As an alternative, here’s a source for a GTS blade style front spoiler in carbon fibre:
Nice, David. I've had an original Revson since 1990 on the Pantera, and the keys to me was, it didn't hang down below the car's chin to hit road debris, and the styling was pleasing. I've since found its also functional at collecting radiator air and generating a little front downforce. I had a low hanging 3-piece air dam on another street car, and after replacing the center section 3 times, I sold it to someone with more patience (and money) than I. FWIW-
insanitylabracing.com is his website, i’m not sure if you’ll have better luck