Location: Top bracket bolt

Close up of mangled drilled hole.

Replies sorted oldest to newest
quote:Originally posted by MARLIN JACK:
...Now Your going to hear from a Professional Machinist; if You Care to Listen! DO NOT use a 'EZ-Out'(Very Very HARD!)if and when it Snaps off, Your NightMare has Just Begun! As well as making a good living Machining Parts for, Assembling, and Calibrating in; 'Power Transmission' Gearboxes, from 500 HP up to 17,000 HP;
quote:'Electronic Disintigrator'
quote:'Electronic Disintegrator'
quote:Originally posted by ANGELO B:
And all this started with an A/C compressor replacement!?!?!
quote:After pulling the timing cover I find I have some slop in the chain and wear on the lower gear, will be replacing that assy. today.
Ah....The joys of owning a 30+ year old car. Think of all the fun you would be missing out on if you had one of those NEW cars.
quote:I think that the name is "Rolon".
quote:Originally posted by Bosswrench:
Now for your next 'Mission Impossible', grab that disgustingly corroded sheet metal heater hose bib above the drilled out bolt, with the biggest pair of Vice-Grips you own and rip it out before it breaks at speed! Those outlets are consumable items every few years unless you tap the block for a pipe thread (almost impossible in the car), or talk Marlin Jack the machinist into making you a thickwalled stainless steel outlet that pounds into the stock block hole.