Autocorrect and failure to proof read are powerful adversaries.
Funny thing about common sense - its not that common.
You can't deviate unless you have a plan.
Responsibility is a unique concept... You may share it with others, but your portion is not diminished. You may delegate it, but it is still with you... If responsibility is rightfully yours, no evasion, or ignorance or passing the blame can shift the burden to someone else. Unless you can point your finger at the man who is responsible when something goes wrong, then you have never had anyone really responsible. Admiral Hyman G. Rickover. Father of the Nuclear Navy
"It Don't Mean Nothin'...It Don't Mean a Thing!"
"What doesn't Kill us, Only Makes Us Stronger!"
"Not Everyone who Died in Vietnam, Died There"
"You talk the Talk...Do You walk the Walk?"
"All gave Some...Some Gave All"
" It's All 'Mind over Matter'!...If You Don't Mind, It Don't Matter! "
" I AM Lying! "
..."I Don't Offer Excuses! I Give Results!!"
"...I Give You My Personal Vietnam Guarantee"
"...I am Going to Take a Personal Interest in Seeing You Suffer!" 'Platoon'
"Listen to Me Now...Or Believe Me Later"
(Now, Go Buy My 8 Inch Wheels!!)
"Which School do I teach? I Teach Them All!"
"The Ayatollah of rock and rolla'"
and my sentimental favorite
"You men go northward, you men go southward... I'm gonna' walk here in a circle"
"...I Gotta Make a Living!"..."Well, Die'in Ain't Much of a Liv'n, Boy!!" 'The Outlaw Josey Wales'
“I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.”
― Albert Einstein
“If I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you.”
"Judge Not, Least Thee be Judged"
"Before You Accuse Me, Take a Look at Yourself!"
"Even a Broken Clock, is Correct Twice a Day!"
...Any Professional,
"You're Not Paying Me for Doing the Job...You're Paying Me for Knowing HOW to Do the Job!"
"...You Smoke this Shit so's You can Escape Reality?! I AM REALITY!!!" Platoon
" The Bravery of My Enemy Does Me Honour "
Light is right
Colin Chapman
"A Man who Knows the Center of His Universe, Can Never be Defeated in Battle!" 'The Art of War'
No matter where you are, or how you got there, there you are.
Buckaroo Bonsai
...Womens' Make-Up:
"It don't Cure Ugley!"
"It's Going to Need a Second Coat!"
...Now, I'am in my own apartment and My Ex-Wife will Not except my phone calls.
...There are Three Types of People in this World!
...Those who Make Things Happen!
...Those who Watch Things Happen!
And, Those who Wonder What Happened!!
...Up at the Blackhawk Farms Raceway, in South Beloit, Illinois, it was 1971. I was there watching a friend race his Lotus...OR, was it a Lola. I know it had a Bad-ass F.I. 4 Cylinder Engine. They run the Small Engine Race Cars First. When they brought out the Big-Blocks and Prototypes, for Their Last Race, I heard over the Loud Speakers...
"Ladies and Gentlemen, It's Time to Knock the Due Off the Lilies! Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!" Great LOUD Roaring!!.
"The Safest Driver on the Highways, is Never 'Seen'!"
"Officer, I'am Not Driving Fast, I'am Flying Low!"
A comment from a Champion Roadrace Driver. "You'll Know You're Not doing very well, when all 4 Tires Are Not Off the Ground, All of the Time!!"
"I Thought You Said, We Were Done Doing Things The 'Stupid Way'!!"
"It Is The Hour of the CAT!"
"You have Engaged My Valuble Services!"
“I taught you everything you know. But I didn't teach you everything I know.”
I just found this one yesterday, inside the first cover pages of the book Airframe (1996), by Michael Crichton, which seems to RING EVEN MORE SO TRUE today, some 30 years later :
"The irony of the Information Age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion,"
Veteran reporter John Lawton, 68, speaking to the American Association of Broadcast Journalists in 1995.
WE CERTAINLY DO NOT HEAR THIS OFTEN ENOUGH!!! To think I worked so hard to make this reality happen...... (Cable TV fiberoptic distribution systems......and TiVo's! Ugh.)