"...'They' won't Allow My Pantera into Heaven! So I'am Driving it Straight To HELL!!"
And Back!
"...'They' won't Allow My Pantera into Heaven! So I'am Driving it Straight To HELL!!"
And Back!
In a Disagreement.
"...YOU Havn't Heard The 'Funny Part'!!
"There will Be Nothing More Asked Of the Vietnam Veteran...They've Paid Their Dues!" President Ronald Reagen
"...Ya' Know, there Ain't No Forget'n"
"It Ain't NO Joke!"
"It's NOT the Size of the DOG In the Fight! It's the Size of the FIGHT In the Dog!"
F.O.R.D.= "Found On Road Dead" "First On Race Day" "Fix Or Repair Daily"
"There are NO Small PARTS...Only Small ACTORS"
"NO Man is as Blind, as the Man who WON'T See"
"Know Your Song WELL, Before You Start Singing"
"Manners Maketh Man" 'The Kingsmen'
"...It's a 'Nun-of Your Business', Kind'a Business!"
"I Show You Up, By Showing Up!!"
"...I Don't get Invited to Too Many Partys???...Son, When I Walk into the Room...I Become The Party!!"
"I Never Followed...I Lead!!"
" 'That' may be So...But, You'll Always Be Ugly!!"
"When the going gets Tough...The Tough Get Going!"
"I Thought You Said...'We Were Done Doing Things The Stupid Way'!?"
"Don't ask me how I did it, I just did, it was hard"? - x chandler.
Don't ask me what I did, I did it, It's done. Me
"Amazing what 100 more horses does to this ride!"
- Mangusta
@marlinjack posted:“If IT looks Like A Dog, Acts Like a Dog and Barks like a Dog...It's A DOG!!"
I thought it was
Duck 🦆
“When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra.” - Dr. Theodore Woodward
The biggest problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you are finished.
“When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra.”
- Dr. Theodore Woodward
I thought that was Occam?
"If you're expecting an Apology...It's Not Coming!". Reacher
@marlinjack posted:"If you're expecting an Apology...It's Not Coming!"
No apology necessary… Everybody makes a mistake once in a while… Lol
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck. A test devised by the US labour leader Walter Reuther (1907–70) in the McCarthy era (seeMcCarthyism)
A lie will get around the world before the truth gets it's shoes on
...My Father use to tell Me, "Save Your Money".
"A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted!" From the 'King James Bible'
"That Money is Burning a Hole in Your Pocket!"