"Blonds 'Have' More Fun! Brunettes 'Are' More Fun!"
A Soldier
"Blonds 'Have' More Fun! Brunettes 'Are' More Fun!"
A Soldier
My uncle always said “to err is human to really mess up takes a computer”
spinnin ain’t winnin
"A Friend Doesn't Offer a 'Hand-Out', They Give a Hand-Up!"
"...If this Plan goes well, we'll owe ourselves a Celebration...I Might even put a Little Whisky in Your Lemonade!"
'Two Mules for Sister Sarah'
"I Can Take 'It'! Because I can Dish It Out!!" A Drill Sargeant
(It's Backwards On Purpose!)
And...A 'T' Shirt Slogan I Invented:
Even Though You Swear I Am"
(It's for Laughs)
@larryw posted:Is an image ok?
… the road is less traveled…
"Poor Kids are Abusing Drugs! Rich Kids are Experimenting with Them" George Carlin
Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. Those who can’t teach, administrate.
"Those Who Can, Do. The Best, Are Asked to Teach" President Ronald Reagen
"No Soldier ever Won a War by Dying for His Country! He Won a War by Making The Other Poor Damn Bastard, Die For His Country!"
General George S. Patton
"Tomorrow is the Very First Day, of The Rest of Your Life!"
'Then Came Bronson'
"I will Love You Until The Stars Fall From the Skies"
(I wrote this in a Poem, I sent in a Letter back in 1970. I Pluralized SKY)
"No Retreat! No Surrender!"
"Death to All Traitors!"
...A Toast, "To Absent Friends"
"You Don't Work...You Don't Eat"
'Then Came Bronson'
Always remember "FIRST you pillage, THEN you burn"
-made up viking wisdom
"...Is THAT, ALL You GOT??"
"Payback is Going to Be a Mother-F'er"
"One of the Hardest Things in the Military, Mentally...Is Being the 'New Guy' "
"IT Don't Mean Noth'in...IT Don't Mean A Thing!"
"I Can Take Whatever You can Dish Out...And a Lot More!!"
"Name, Rank, Serial Number, Date of Birth" Nothing More!
"Flyboys Never let You Down"
'Romancing the Stone'
"We couldn't Save Them All...But, We Saved Some!"
'China Beach'
… don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining…
"Loose Wires, Cause Fires"
"Don't Sweat the Petty Things...Just Pet the Sweaty Things"
'Never Again!"
'Vietnam Veterans'
"I'm Never Coming Back!!"
'When I last visited My First Wife, in Chicago'
"There Are Two Reasons Why a Blacksmith Will Go To Hell! Hammer COLD Steel, and Not Charge Enough!"