"GO BACK!! Only Death Awaits You Here!!"
Pirates of the Carribean
"Dying Time is Here!" "Two Men will Enter...Only One will Leave"
"GO BACK!! Only Death Awaits You Here!!"
Pirates of the Carribean
"Dying Time is Here!" "Two Men will Enter...Only One will Leave"
"A Man who Stands for Nothing...Will Fall for Anything"
Standing Guard in the Shadows..."Unseen is Undetected"
"You Better Be Right Mister! You Better Be Right!!"
"Ya Gotta Get Mean! Mad-DOG Mean!!
YODO (You Only Die Once)
...It's ALL Over, But the Crying!! Hooray for Our TEAM!!!
"He Who Laughs Last, Laughs Best!"
"Lips that Touch Liquor, shall Never Touch Mine!...My Liquor, that is"
"When I Die, I will Go to Heaven, Because I've Spent My Time In Hell!"
"When I Die, Bury Me Face Down...So the Whole World Can Kiss My Ass!"
"Do I Smoke After Sex??...I Don't Know, I Never Looked!"
"Shake the Ground, Split the Sky"
'A Message sent Down from Hanoi, Hours before the '68 Tet Offensive'. My Older Brother was a Medic In It.
"For those About to Die, We Salute You"
Have a nice Veterans Day.
"What are You Going to Do?-What are You Going to Do??"
"I Don't Know, But It's going to Be Massive!!"
'The Eiger Sanction'
...You better get Your Shit Wired Tighter than That!! (Serious)
to a Vietnam Grunt, New Guy
(They will wire-up their Gear to suppress Noise in the Jungle, and to keep from 'Catching' Trip-Wires and Booby-Traps)
...Seen Posted above the Mans' Urinal
'Stand Closer! 'It's' Not as Long as You Think!!'
..."I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
..."The Men who could Fix Our Country are Too busy Restoring Old Cars!"
(Except for One Man)
" There are Old Pilots, and there are Bold Pilots...But, there are No Old-Bold Pilots"
Excepting for, General Chuck Yeager, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and others.
@marlinjack posted:" There are Old Pilots, and there are Bold Pilots...But, there are No Old-Bold Pilots"
Excepting for, General Chuck Yeager, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and others.
That’s what my flight instructor told me and I replied… you are Old and bald… 🤗