"Made in the USA" high-flo thermostats in 160, 180 & 195 temperature range.
***Here's what is really neat, the manufacture who makes the "Robert Shaw" thermostats is the company we are working with. Quote from my sale rep "So here is the back story for you. Robert Shaw Thermostats were bought out by Copper Standard. We since then have bought out Copper Standard. So the short answer for you is Caltherm Currently makes the Robert Shaw Thermostats" The reason the Cleveland correct thermostat was discontinued originally, was the tool that makes the "hat" broke, and they choose not to repair it. So we paid to have the tool replaced, so that is how the Track Boss thermostat is the old "333-Robertshaw" thermostat. We are going to use the same numbering system. 333-160, 333-180 & 333-195....funny what you learn...****
There have been many inquiries about the ETA of the new thermostat. I just got off the phone with the manufacture and they have the first week of June as a ship date.
We have started a waitng list for those interested in a thermostat and/or by-pass plate.
Please email us to put your name on this list.
***Keep in mind, the 351M/400 can use the thermostat, but they do not use the by-pass plate***
Track Boss thermostats will sell for $32 or $49 for the combo of the stat and the by-pass plate.
By-pass plate are currently available for $20 USD plus $5 shipping US & Canada, $8 shipping to Australia.
Follow this link to make a purchase.