Latest episode of VGG…71 Pantera stored for 33 years in Canada, will it run. Episode 1…
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Holy crap!!! This Pantera must have endured the hardest 15000 miles or let’s say the craziest owner possible in its live!
…. or the 15000 miles are just on the odometer and the car actually went to the moon and back and then raced Paris-Dakar…
We need a “LOL” emoji on this site!
@rocky posted:We need a “LOL” emoji on this site!
Better now? 👆
...My Wife and I watched the Whole Video! We agreed, she should have made 'Pop-Corn', we Didn't know it was a Comedy!!
Seriously!! All the 'Bad Moves' Aside...He Got Her Started!! Fired-Up and Idling...First Time!!
He has a LOT To Learn. YES! You Can still get Parts!
And, there WILL Be, Fun Rewards!! I was Amazed, he didn't set Himself and the Whole Garage, on Fire!
Did anyone happen to see the bottom of the rockers, going to need a fair bit of metal work, totally doable just hope he knew about it before the purchase
This had a show on Motor Tend TV called Roadworthy. He was a guff in that also. Sounds like he moved on to other projects. Not sure how much he paid for this. But he seems happy and that is all that counts.
I have reached out to Derick through email and welcomed him to the family, asked him to check out the forum. I’m sure he is a busy guy, but who knows. If he needs Pantera knowledge/parts, no shortage of that here.
Ok, those of you that who watched Part 1,
get ready for part 2…worked on suspension, clutch and brakes…then road trip from Canada to Tennessee….
I’ve followed his channel for the last couple of years and the episodes where he buys a car and tries to drive it home. Really interesting and he has guts for sure.
The Pantera episodes have been the most cringe worthy. I was really hoping the gas tank drain plug would let loose before the bottom of the tank twisted into a real mess. Thankful it did come loose! The axel work and a few other things in episode two was tough to watch too.
In episode two he gets in on the road but runs into engine issues and trailered it home. But in the end, it is one less Pantera rotting away in someone’s garage, so big credit to him for that. I think now that he has it home and does his research he will want to go back and redo a lot of the work he did just to get it on the road.
Watching this really makes you realize how much we all know about our Panteras.
...I just finished Part 2, all the way through! You can catch it at the End of Part One.
All I can say is, This Guy has Got GUTS!!!
Welcome to the World of Pantera Ownership!
I think of him as a 'Improvising Genius'!
The MG crew have a Saying, 'Press-On Regardless'!
"You Run what You Brung!"
Well Done!
I think 'It' was a Blown Head Gasket. And I expected the Rubber Diaphragm of the Mechanical Fuel Pump, would have 'given up the Ghost'!
There are two levels to his work. The first level is do whatever you can with existing resources and available tools to get the car on the road and home. The second level is in his shop for restoration that is very well executed.
...I'd Like to Meet that Guy...Take Him out to a Steak Dinner and Buy Him a Beer!! If I'm ever in Tennessee!
...I'll add, He really needs to Learn a 'Little' More Respect for GASOLINE!!! I was Cringing! I said a Prayer, GOD save Him! One Little Spark, Static, could have ruined his Day...and Lost the Car, the Garage...and his Life!! Just had to Say.