Maybe someone has it and does not need it anymore: I am looking for a speedometer face in KM/H or a complete speedometer (also in KM/H) for my 73 Pantera.
Let me know if you could help me out here :-)
Maybe someone has it and does not need it anymore: I am looking for a speedometer face in KM/H or a complete speedometer (also in KM/H) for my 73 Pantera.
Let me know if you could help me out here :-)
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Keep an eye on eBay. Metric speedometers do come up for sale from time to time.
The vendors sell the speedo faces, you can convert and be fairly close, but the odometer will still register in mph traveled. The euro and mph speedos have different rev/min with either 1210 or 1610 denoting the number of revs per mile the instrument uses.
I have the opposite as my euro GT5 was converted to mph, it required changing the ZF angle drive as well to get it to read close, so if you get a speedo you'll likely need the matching angle drive.
Other options are to have a speedometer shop make up a gear reduction converter. or change the internals to a GPS trigger.
...check with Hall Pantera, they sell faces at least in MPH. You will not need to change anything else (keep the same VDO/Veglia drive at the trans, even though as Joules notes the ODO stays in MPH the 200mph magically becomes 300km/h.
The Longchamp had a dual MPH/KMH face.
Thanks for all the info here! Hall Pantera is out of stock of these faces (but will probably have some made again).
...The Hall faces are very good quality, they had both with (high contrast) white letters and also (original look) green letters...and at $40, very reasonably priced. Others advertise the capability of vinyl overlays, but I haven't seen these produced for a DeT.
Good to know, but unfortunately out of stock right now at Hall.
Hall is out of stock on many items with no date certain for new stock - sigh
Patrick Hals had some for sale not too long ago. Might be worth sending him an e-mail:
That of Hall Pantera after installation
@davidnunn posted:Patrick Hals had some for sale not too long ago. Might be worth sending him an e-mail:
Thanks, I contacted him, but he does not have these disks any more.
Great, thanks! I already ordered one in Italy at Autoepoca in December, I have to wait until they deliver (they keep me updated), if not, I'll have to find another source!
Autoepoca got them from Roland Jaeckel in Hamburg. He retired a while back. You might ask Roland, if he still has some…
oh, thanks for the info! Autoepoca wrote me they got 3 times the wrong disk from their supplier - I guess it is not from Roland anymore.
I did change mine from Miles to Km some years ago.But how can you be sure you place the speedometer needle the same place as it was before? I ask because now i realize im driving slower tha what it now shows on the speedometer
I have one at home from Hall Pantera can sell if you want it
@tiptop posted:I did change mine from Miles to Km some years ago.But how can you be sure you place the speedometer needle the same place as it was before? I ask because now i realize im driving slower tha what it now shows on the speedometer
Having done it, what I did was pull the pin at the 10-mph-ish preload spot, then you'll see the needle goes to around zero. Re-install the needle at zero, then re-preload and re-insert the pin. I actually corrected mine a bit in the process, but you get the point.
I also have an OEM km/hr face from my former pushbutton that I recently discovered in a move, but I feel that I should offer to give it to the buyer of that car, if I can locate him (I also have its reupholstered headliner bow for overhead interior light).
@tiptop posted:I did change mine from Miles to Km some years ago.But how can you be sure you place the speedometer needle the same place as it was before? I ask because now i realize im driving slower tha what it now shows on the speedometer
Yes, that is a bit tricky! I did not mount the speedometer glass after changing to the kilometer face , just put the speedo in without, I had the needle only just a little sticking on the pin, made a testdrive with GPS on my phone and corrrected the position of the needle accordingly. As soon as I had it perfect, I took the speedo out again and mounted the glas.
Henrik, the good news is that the original speedo at 200mph means that real driving (where you care about the speed to avoid a ticket) is all bound in a tiny angle anyways...but the only way to actually get a reliable reading (as with the tach) is to have a speedo shop (with a speed controlled motor) turn (at 1620 rotations per mile) and set the needle. Setting a tach requires a function generator...
...and this reminds me of the saying for traffic signals in Asia, that they are not for rule, or recommendation, but ultimately there for only for decoration...could be that you just satisfy yourself that the gauges are turning and you are done (!)
@leea posted:...and this reminds me of the saying for traffic signals in Asia, that they are not for rule, or recommendation, but ultimately there for only for decoration...could be that you just satisfy yourself that the gauges are turning and you are done (!)
I had a driver in Indonesia that told me: green light means "go", yellow light means "go" and red light means "be careful".
...and if you are driving a motor scooter, don't bother looking for the light, instead only the available path (usually the sidewalk, if its not already jammed with parked scooters...)