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George, whatever coatings you use on the mufflers & tips, be aware the exhaust system runs at around 500 degrees F- enough to melt lead solder! And the gasses coming out are even hotter. At least one Pantera with angled exhaust tips melted his tail light lenses during a full throttle open road blast of around 30 minutes...
George, I wouldn't leave those muffs and pipes bare metal. Like Jack says, they get so hot, they will rust up quickly. I bought a stainless steel exhaust set years ago, and even that will rust eventually. As for the chrome tips, you should be able to use chemical paint stripper get the black off back to where you want it. Part of the reason the paint is there, though, is to cover the transition from plated to unplated metal. If rust gets started on the unplated metal, it will work it's way under the plating and peel it off.
Thanks for the helpful tips and complement on the carb. I knew the amount of heat these cars product out of the tips. Burnt my legs on them a couple of times after long hard drives. I'm refinishing them because most of the paint on the mufflers was already gone went I got the car a few years ago. My friend owns a Power Coating business here in town an he did some work for me before with my Shelby. He has some High Temp coating he used on the Shelby's headers which came out great. I guess it's time to warn him that I have parts from my Pantera coming his way Smiler.

I'll try to keep you all posted on my project.

George, There was an article (on the now down MangustaInternational, if am I not mistaken on exhaust tip restoration. You can also see great pic by OzGT5. Note red stripe. ANSA stickers available at our favorite suppliers


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It's beena while since my last post, so here is an update on mine an Larry's latest findings and addition to my Winter/Spring to do list.

I pulled the interior and motor cover to make the wiring upgrades easier for Larry.

Found out that my belt for my AC pump was loose enough that it didn't grab either pully well. I'm going to clean up the front of the motor as well. (Why???..just me I guess)


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  • DSCN3051
When it's time to test your cooling system, I would revisit the positioning of your Meriah Fans. Check the flow through the radiator (with smoke or string) with the fans blades in your current position then with the blades an inch back. You will find, as I did, that you have a lot more air flow thru the radiator wth blades pulled back an inch. When the blades are too close, a lot of the air bounces back off the face of the radiator core that you really need flowing when cruising in town.
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