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Excellent observation, Husker.

I am still blown away at how no two Panteras are the same. These three, built within 18 months of each other, bear some very different original features and mods.

Having owned my cat for two months now, I am amazed at how the Pantera looks so differnet - so stylish, so gorgeous - from each and every angle. Tom Tjaarda certainly did an outstanding job in designing the Pantera.
Last edited by ea3528
Originally posted by Blake:
Peter, will you be able to make breakfast in Canmore for 9:30 AM in Canmore on Friday?

Yes, I hope so. I'll be dead exhausted, but I'll do my best to drag my carcass there. However, I will not be able to stay for supper in Banff. I need to be in Red Deer that evening for an important reunion with old friends, and so I will just keep going once we reach Banff after our Golden Triangle run. I will be back first thing on Saturday morning, though.
Here's my deal ...

I will drive out Friday morning to meet you all for breakfast and make the Golden Triangle drive. Afterwards, I will head home that evening to gather the family together to spend Sat/Sun in Banff.

(I have our travel agent working a room package at one of the resorts. She usually can find a good deal. Stay tuned.)

I am in for the entire day on Sat and then the Canmore Show n Shine and drive on Sunday.

It currently looks like I will NOT make the Monday drive due to work commitments. Regardless, the three days of driving will be EXCELLENT ... and the weather looks promising!
Originally posted by Blake:
Erik, Doug and Peter;
take a look at the following for accomodations in Canmore:

1. - Lodges and Canmore Crossing
2. Bear and Bison
3. Creekside Country Inn

Good parking facilities at 2 & 3 for your Pantera. They are side by side....Bear and Bison more high end.

I booked a room at the Rimrock in Banff, which was a must for entertaining the two kids. Rate was steep - so I won't even pass it along. Ouch!
Well, the weather is looking to improve for the weekend, but let's keep our fingers crossed.

My daughter's dance recital got moved to Sat morning - so I will be a little late joining up for that drive ... however, I am still bringing the family for the night and will be in for the evening festivities and Sunday drive and car show.

Monday is still tenative for me due to work obligations ...
Originally posted by Blake:
are we still shooting for 9:30 AM in Canmore on Friday morning? Craig's Restuarant on Bow Valley Trail(1A-Gasoline Alley) next to the Tim Horton's would be a good place for breaky.

See you there in the morning, Blake. I spoke with Doug and he and Peter got everything sorted. Time to roll!
Great day yesterday; incredible roads winding through some unbelievable scenery. Blake and his charming wife are the consumate hosts (I'm spoiled to the point of feeling guilty), and the company is just the best!

Doug not only saved my bacon by storing my rig at his shop so that I could make my crazy flight schedule, but also chauffeured me around while entertaining me with lots of gearhead talk. Many thanks, Doug!

Erik has a Pantera you just have to see. Just beautiful. And he's a great guy to boot!

The cats got wet, and my MSD went (thanks to Blake for the rescue mission!), but it was still an awesome, awesome day.

What an experience. I'm glad I made it down for this, and the best thing is that there are still three more days to go!
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