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a few members of the Calagry exotic car club that I drive with occasionally ship their cars south a few times a year. If more info is needed, please let me know. I have not had great success transporting cars by train. Always some sort of damage...especially when ground clearance is limited. A private car transport company is the way to go. They pick it up at your door and unload it at the address of your choice.
Hi Peter,
I am thinking of an exclusive Pantera owner's event. If we had individuals shipping their cars, I would probably suggest leasing a house(or two) in my neighbourhood for a week and using them as a base. There are some beautiful day outings from the Canmore/Banff area. The Radium, Golden, Lake Louise loop would be a great one. The Icefield Parkway to the Icefields Centre and back would be another. Highway # 40 over Highwood pass to Longview and through Bragg Creek and back to Canmore is absolutely breath-taking also. Hanging out in Banff is not alll that bad either! It all depends on the number of participants and how far they are coming from. We may even have Zahir join us or the other way around for a Sunday ride to the Banff Springs for brunch. Let's see how many P owners are interested and I would appreciate your help in figuring out the logistics and costing.
Sure wish I wasn't so far away from you Blake! I was up through Banff & Jasper National Parks on a driving trip to Alaska years ago & the scenery is nothing short of awsome. Lake Louise & its surrondings are a beautiful area & those mountain highways were made for our P-cars! Sure would like to see this part of Canada again some day! I know whoever takes advantage of this drive with you will be throughly impressed. Have a GREAT time!

This sounds like a good reason for a big road trip!

If anyone from the east is to come, it will require LOTS of advance planning, stating with dates and an idea of what exactly will go on so we can consider booking holidays and a transporter. While I can't say for sure if I (we) can make it, I can say that I'm interested in trying to. Let us know more what you have in mind and when so we can have something to look forward to.

Originally posted by Blake:
please bring the Edmonton owners out of hiding.

I only know three Edmonton Pantera owners. All three monitor the PIBB (kenf, ted #9494, blayre). One of the three cars is undergoing a complete restoration and so will not be on the road next year. I will contact all three to see if they are interested, and to encourage them to participate in this thread.

It sounds to me like you already have in mind how the basics of this should be organized. Do you have any dates in mind?

I agree the itinerary can consist of day trips, but perhaps we could consider an overnight stay here and there to enable larger loops into the BC interior. Personally, I would much prefer basing ourselves in Canmore as opposed to Calgary, as you propose, because we would not have to contend with Calgary traffic or security for our cars. However, because the folks from out East will be flying into Calgary airport, they may want to base some nights or events in the city. Perhaps we should toss that question out there?

We can talk to Zahir about using his connections at the Banff Springs Hotel to get us a decent rate on a private room for a group dinner. Lake Louise is the other alternative, as you have mentioned. Also, I suggest we may want to give some thought to shopping, sightseeing and other social activities for the ladies so that the event appeals to them as well.

If we do the Icefields Parkway, David and I may have to take sedatives to enable us to cope with the 80km/hr speed limit.

There are some great guys with Panteras in Washington and on the West Coast of BC. It would be a manageable drive for them to get to Canmore... shorter than it will be for me, as a matter of fact. Would you like me to put the word out?
Last edited by peterh
Hey everybody,
I know I'm new to the pantera community but living in Calgary, about 10 Min from the airport, I would be pleased to take care of anything that would need to be done here. i.e. pick people up from the airport and take them to Canmore, arrange overnight hotel rooms if neccessary. I could also arrange secure, alarmed storage for cars (6 or 7 max.) if they arrive at a different time from the owners, in a building only a few minutes from the airport. Whatever needs to be done. If there is anything I could do to help out just let me know.
Doug M
I have an enclosed car hauler trailer that I would use to bring my car down. It would, therefore, be available in case one of us breaks down along the way. If we could find a driver, it could even accompany us on the trips. One option would be for us to each kick in a few bucks, and we could hire a mechanic to drive the rig and bring some tools. I have one (who has experience working on my car) in mind, but I'm unsure whether he could take the time off work. If you guys think this is a worthwhile idea, I'll call him and check.

Blake, what do you think of borrowing the RMA idea of using two-way radios? There is little to no cell coverage where we would be going, so keeping in touch might prove difficult without them.
trailer and a mechanic are a great idea....a bit of an extra expense. I have the CAA Premier membership which includes a tow of up to 320km. We will always be in striking distance of a major centre. There seems to always be a flat bed truck available along the major routes around here.
Two way radios an excellent idea. Would the portable hand held units be sufficient? I know many families that use then at the ski hill to stay in touch.
I would highly recommend staying in the mountains.....a city is a city. Banff is one of those top world destinations that one must visit before one expires.
I drove into Calgary today. I was at Canada Olympic Park(western edge of the city) in 40 minutes. As far as accommodations, I have lots of contacts. Good restaurants, shopping in both Banff and Canmore. Downtown Calgary is one hour and the airport is 1.25 normal speeds.
Peter, if we wanted to do an extended loop and meet the BC gents, the group could go over Highwood to Hwy 22 and meet in Fernie(golf). Come back through Fairmont(golf & hot springs) Invermere(swim/waterski in Lake Windemere), Radium(hot springs), Golden(Eagle's Eye restaurant at the top of Kicking Horse Resort), Lake Louise(Post Hotel for cocktails/supper), Banff(fun for everyone) and back to Canmore.
I love to plan events and come up with cool ideas. The trip between each destination will be the most special time!
I like the way you guys are thinking. I've been to Calgary and I'd be more than happy to fly in and leave for the hills immediately. Smiler If we all each pack some tools and the basic emergency parts spread across our cars we'll be able to forgo the trailer (hopefully). I'm sure between us there would not be many problems that would require a mechanics crew. If there was a major blow-up, chances are good that one guy by the side of the road wouldn't cut it anyway.

Pick some dates and keep fleshing out the plan. I'm ready for another trip out west. Just make sure it isn't the rainy season. We get enough of that here...
I thought of the hand held units, but their range is very poor and you couldn't hear one in a Pantera anyway. The VHF two-ways give you a few kilometers range even in the mountains, which allows you to keep in touch with stragglers.

I'm in total agreement about leaving Calgary behind as soon as possible, but I just did not want to assume everyone else thought the same way. Heck, I live in the middle of nowhere for a reason; as I get grumpier and older I find that the smog, crowds and traffic just get on my nerves.

Now as for the mechanic and trailer question, I am suggesting it because I have repeatedly benefitted from having them along on the RMAs. There is always somebody breaking down, and either fixing them right there or loading them right on to our own trailer beats heck out of waiting hours for a flat deck to arrive, paying hundred of dollars getting towed to the nearest town and then having to try to figure out how to get the car home from there. This is the voice of experience. It may cost a few extra bucks, but it is great insurance to have. I'll bet you that if we have a trailer along, it'll be used. If we don't bring it, we'll wish we had. The mechanic is merely nice to have, not a 'must have', because I'm sure we'll have a few mechanically inclined guys along.

Photography is something else that should be considered. I bet everyone would love to arrange some good photo ops, and there will be no shortage of them along the routes you have mentioned. I have a decent still camera as well as a Mini DV digital video camera, and I would be taking photos anyway, but I wonder if participants might not want to line up something more professional.
OK Peter, I'm sold on the trailer and mechanic. I must say, I don't have a lot of experience with mountain road trips in a Pantera. One request, please make sure the trailer is outfitted with a Cappuccino machine...

We use the 2-way radios whenever we Pantera convoy and they're amazing (plus faster and cheaper than cell phone charges).

On the photo front, I am (assuming I can come etc.) more than happy to bring my gear and do lots of nice beauty shots and share them with all on CD afterwards. If anyone knows a videographer with a helicopter it would be a nice added touch.


Images (1)
  • cats_side_road
simple is better gentlemen!
I was thinking of a house rental...toss that idea. Everybody likes their creature comforts and privacy. There is a perfect hotel/condo facility in Canmore. Luxurious and may be rented by the day. It is located at the edge of town and offers underground parking. It used to be a Marriott Residence.
I'm all for simple and comfort (underground parking is nice too), but I'm still bringing my camera... Smiler

Someone needs to come up with some date options for consideration. Organizing things around here is tricky because of so many festivals and other hotel-filling events that we have to plan around. In the end, we get whatever dates are not used up already.

Actually, Blake and I do know a videographer with a helicopter but, trust me, you would not want to know how much that would cost. In any event, judging by the photo you posted above (and assuming you have not been fudging it with Photoshop again), we'll be in good hands should you be able to attend. To make sure you recover in time, we should all pitch in to send some tiny Geisha girls to your house so they can walk on your back and massage it with their toes. Maybe they could even bring you some cappucino while they're at it?
I am very interested, however, My wife and I are booking a cruise some time in May. Hopefully this will not conflict with the time you guys set this up. I would also like to trailer my car. Not that I baby it but as all the west coast guys know I have some reliability issues to work out. Hopefully I will have these solved by then but it might be a little early to be doing a road trip. Once the time comes if anyone is trailering a car in a BIG trailer I would possibly be interested in hitching a ride and splitting the cost. Otherwise I will keep my eyes out for something I can possibly rent locally. Sounds like great fun guys hopefully I can make it.

this is looking good! If you gentlemen could please provide me with dates that would work, I will begin to plan a date.
Marcus and you both live in Victoria? My wife and I will be staying downtown Victoria next Sunday through Wednesday. Love to see your cars! We are on foot...drinks on me.
I just drove from Golden and arrived in Canmore about one hour ago. Lost another windshield to flying wife's car.
We are both in the Victoria area and I am sure I speak for the both of us when I say I would love to meet up with you. My car is back in project mode though but I could certainly pick you guys up. Marcus is a little farther away but Im sure we wouldnt have to twist his arm to hard to get him to drive it in. Plenty of pubs close by for a drink as well. Send me an email with info.

Last edited by panteraturbo
Blake, thanks again for the drinks yesterday, from both Blaine and me! Hope you enjoyed the Irish Times Pub.

We can't have a Pantera owners get-together without a Pantera, so I took mine into town through the spray on Highway 17 this morning. Blake and I were able to hook up in front of the Empress and go for a quick blast down Dallas Road through Ross Bay and back this afternoon (sorry, no camera).
we have a "show and shine" on Father's Day....small but gaining popularity. Some interesting Calgary cars are becoming involved. Would be cool if we could participate for a few hours. Let's shoot for Father's day weekend and see how many can make it. Gravel will be swept off the highways and school is not quite finished which means less people on the roads and in town.
Many thanks to Blaine and Marcus for giving me a Pantera fix in Victoria yesterday. It was great to see Blaine again, and to meet Marcus for the first time. Watching and listening to Marcus arrive and drive away in his beautiful red Pantera was a real treat. Since my car has been off the road, I have not been able to listen to that wonderful exhaust sound for far too long.

I had a couple of opportunities to drive behind Marcus, and was amused by how every single pedestrian's head turned when he drove by. Men, women and children alike were all unable to resist looking and listening. If two men were together, the reaction was always to look first, and then turn to each other to commence an argument about what it was that they had just seen. Great fun!

Marcus, Blaine and I are all hoping to be able to make it to Canmore in spring. We all just have to give Blaine some encouragement over winter to sort out his amazing car so that it runs well enough for the very long trip that will be required.

I forsee a significant convoy forming in Vancouver, because Herman & Steve will probably round up some of the guys from there. Between the Victoria and Vancouver contingents, it could end up being a fair number of cars going. That drive from Vancouver to Canmore alone will be through some world class sportscar driving territory, and I'm turning green with envy just thinking about it. I would join in if it wasn't a 2,400km detour for me.

I wonder if some of the guys from Washington might consider coming too?

The one aspect to the planned event that Marcus, Blaine and I all agreed is truly special is that the Blake's plan is not just for a gathering. Gatherings are great, but to have an event where we will all be able to spend a few days driving twisty mountain roads together is particularly appealing.
Last edited by peterh
I have been reasearching accomodation options in Canmore for the week surrounding June 14-15th, 08'. I will post 3-4 suggestions for vacation property rentals. Some of my choices have underground parking. All choices offer full kitchen facilities and are within walking distance to Canmore's downtown core.
Happy Holidays to all!
Is that the week prior to, or after June 14-15? Confused I don't mean to be fussy, but I have a previous business commitment on June 12th that I need to work around, plus I am in the process of scheduling other meetings for 2008, and it would help to know which dates in June I need to book off for this.

Oh, and, BTW, don't forget I am at your disposal if you need any help getting this thing organized. If there is anything at all that I can do, let me know.
here are my recommendations for accomodations in Canmore. All units have full kitchens, well appointed & are walking distance to downtown for all eating and shopping/grocery needs. Also most offer underground parking. Canmore is a small town with about 11,000 permanent and 4,000 part time residents. There is a very congested area with short term vacation rentals which I would stay away is under way on many buildings with no parking and big equipment travelling the streets. It is the "Kananaskis Way" area.

- go to "Canadian Rockies" tab -
Canmore Crossing building

- go to "Canmore" tab
Boardwalk building; Canmore Crossing building; Penthouse at Cascade; any private house rental.
Owner of Ultimate Properties - Eric Watson

3. there are also a variety of B&B's -

4. the Bear and Bison Inn - no indoor parking but very nice. The owner used to be the chef at the Banff Springs Hotel....excellent food. 15 min walk to downtown. Cafe, small store, restaurant and liquor store nearby -

5. the Creekside Country Inn - beside the Bear and Bison Inn is a more basic choice and more affordable. No indoor parking and a 15 min. walk to downtown. Cafe, small store, restaurant and liquor store nearby.

Hope this info helps.
Would be great to have a good turn out!


Is there one place among the choices you have listed that has potential to serve as the primary hub for the event?

Also, are you suggesting that we make reservations right away? In other words, is the event now confirmed and a definite go? If so, then we will need to firm up the exact dates. Will it be June 11-18 or June 10-17?

- Peter

Is there a tentative event/route plan? Are people meeting somewhere (Calgary?, Canmore?) and then going to somewhere else, or just loop around?

You mentioned the Great Race. Is there a plan to watch them zoom by, or are you suggesting that we make sure we're nowhere near?

It would be helpful to know because those of us from out East have lots to plan and coordinate if we come, and I in particular would like to try to arrange to see some friends in Kelowna afterwards (or before?). Knowing the general plan would help in my planning and booking of accommodations as well.

all suggestion are within walking distance of one another. Canmore Crossing has three large buildings and will have the most units available. All building have underground parking. This would be the "hub" location. If a group wished to rent a private home, which can be quite large, this may become an alternative spot to meet. My house will certainly also become an entertainment spot also.
Asfar as dates....I would suggest the 13th-16th of June being the core days and the event running from the 11th-18th of June. This will allow flexibility, especially for those coming from far who may wish to visit a bit more of Western Canada.
I don't believe it is necessary to book right away. High season begins when the school are out for he summer. My guess would be to book by the end of Mar/beginning of April. Probably good to give a call and check with the property management companies that I listed....Bellstar and Ultimate. Make sure the questions are directed towards the Canmore Crossing and Boardwalk buildings. You do not want to be on Kananaskis Way.

as far as routes plan is the four core days(June 13th-16th) are "out and back" trips from Canmore. Peter mentioned a two day round trip. He may want to lead a group who wishes to discover another area. There are a few "loupe" routes that come to mind...I shall ask Peter make a plan. He is familiar with the area. My plan would be to stay in Canmore and be the host for those who may arrive early or late. I would like the four main days to stay intact as Canmore day trips. Make sense?


I will get to work on generating suggestions for he longer, overnight trip. I'm thinking that a run to Nelson might be a good bet. There are a variety of ways to get there and back, all of which go through some beautiful country with amazing, winding roads.

If people wanted to drive for a few more hours each day, or stay more than one night afield, then we could make it to Penticton or Kelowna, which would be an interesting experience of a unique part of Canada for those folks coming from out East. If we did it as the first thing on the schedule, then we could arrange to meet the drivers from Vancouver and Victoria at the mid-point of their drive to Canmore. In the alternative, we could do it last thing, and in that way accompany the West Coast guys half way home. You have previously suggested this as follows, "...if we wanted to do an extended loop and meet the BC gents, the group could go over Highwood to Hwy 22 and meet in Fernie(golf). Come back through Fairmont(golf & hot springs) Invermere(swim/waterski in Lake Windemere), Radium(hot springs), Golden(Eagle's Eye restaurant at the top of Kicking Horse Resort), Lake Louise(Post Hotel for cocktails/supper), Banff(fun for everyone) and back to Canmore."

I'd like to hear from everyone as to your preferences for the intensity of each day's driving. The alternatives range from early morning starts and driving all day to more leisurely days with the emphasis on sightseeing and shopping. My recommendation is to err on the side of the former. Some of the day trips from Canmore can be made easy so as to give us a good mix, but I would think the overnight trip is our one chance to get into some serious driving terrain and to cover some ground in a way that allows participants to see more of the geographic variety of Western Canada.

- Peter
I am starting route planning, and have not heard back from anyone as to your preferences for intensity. We have two clear choices; stay close to Canmore and meander around at a leisurely pace, or plan for longer driving days and overnight stays in order to get to the prime roads. Silence will be taken as consent. If I do not hear otherwise, I will default to the longer drives option with the overnight stays in the BC interior. I am into long drives on deserted winding mountain roads through spectacular scenery, so if you want to take it easy instead, then you better speak up and make your preference known!

I have confirmed the availability of my mechanic to come along to drive the truck and trailer. The trailer can be used for extra luggage, spare tires, etc in addition to bringing broken cars home. I will supply the truck and trailer. To keep the costs down, I will also supply the mechanic's accommodations and transportation to and from Canmore. He will be taking time off work to do this, so I suggested we would be willing to pay him an honourarium of some kind, as well as his meals and other disbursements. If we get enough people confirmed for this, the cost will be nominal.

There have been few firm confirmations, so be advised that I am now going to start hunting you guys. You will be receiving e-mails and phone calls, so talk to She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed so that you can say for sure if you are in or out. The guys from out East are really going out of their way to load up a semitrailer full of their Panteras and dragging them 3,000km to get to this event, so the least we can do is let them know there will be some of us here to welcome them.
Hi Peter & Blake,

First of all thanks for doing all the planning and prep work, this sounds like it will be a lot of fun!
As for the routes, I'll put my $0.02 in.
I'm personally not big on the idea of long drives over 2 hours at a stretch. I agree this limits the nice roads a bit, but there's still lots out there. I know there's nice twisty highway in the interior (Nelson, up the pass, over to Ainsworth, etc) but that's a bit far for me. I would prefer the local drives like Radium, Golden, Lake Louise, maybe a bit of the icefields parkway for pictures, maybe highwood pass as well. Is the road up spray lakes to mt. shark paved? That could be a nice drive as well. The drive from Castle Junction to Radium is maybe my favorite road in the world so that is a must. The good "twisty" road is probably going in to Golden. Are there others?

I'm with Andy on the drives over two hours (and he has nice new comfy seats that I do not...). Get up late, eat, drive, rest, eat, yak, drive, yak, relax, drive, eat, sleep... only leaves a few hours of driving. Big Grin

Please make sure that we allow for some photo-shooting time. As my wife will tell you (sometimes even without being asked), it always take way too long to coordinate a bunch of old guys and their cars into nice groupings. Plus, any "on-the-road" shots require a drive ahead, set-up, return and then the drive-by. I'm not suggesting this will be all about the pics, but this will be a unique opportunity and I'm sure George will want to make space in the PI Magazine for a multi-page spread of this event. I haven't even included time to climb mountains to get those cool over-head shots (since we don't have helicopter budget).

Ultimately, for me, getting together and meeting/sharing is every bit (or more) important than long fantastic drives. I'm confident there will be plenty of both from what I'm reading. I hope all you west-coast guys have your cars ready.

Also Peter, I like the sounds of the trailer and mechanic and am pleased to chip in some.
I have to agree with Mark and Andy. Shorter day trips are fine with me. Meeting all you people and talking to long time pantera owners is what I'm looking forward to the most.

Also, I would be happy to offer a shuttle from Calgary International to Canmore for anybody flying in. Any day, any time, doesn't matter.

Doug M
Here's a quick map that I did so I could get a handle on distances etc. Calgary to Canmore is about an hour (20 minutes if DEEB is driving). From Canmore as a home-base, really nice roads, destinations and vistas are within easy reach (Great choice, Blake). Jasper would, for me, be an over-night side trip if we wanted to do more than just drive there and back without taking anything in, but it would definitely be worth it.

Banff/Lake Louise, Radium and Golden would all be really easy days and a couple could probably be joined together (not crazy about the broken windshield reports on the road to Golden). I do want to note that I will be spending a lot of time in the car with my wife and she'll want to see some of these places beyond the washroom pit-stops. If Andy & David's wives are coming too, I won't be alone having this issue.

You guys who live/have lived out there are best equipped to keep refining the plan, but I like what I'm hearing so far, and now that I can visualize some of the distances involved, it all looks like it could be an awesome time!

Keep up the great work and let's finalize dates related to locations so we can start booking flights and rooms as this will get tight if we wait too long, I suspect.



Images (1)
  • CalgaryTrip
Guys, we have a week here. You can only drive back and forth to Golden so many times. We really should plan at least one overnight trip that will get us to the Nakusp/Kaslo/Nelson area - you will not regret it. Trust me. If the pitchfork, prancing pony and raging bull guys can cram themselves into their equally noisy and cramped rides for 8 or 10 hours at a stretch, I'm sure we can do it for 4 and survive.

Can we please have a straw vote on the mechanic and trailer thing, please? I need to give him an answer.
Last edited by peterh
Great map Mark. You picked all the great day drives out of Canmore. I would add Kananaskis south on #40 to #541 to Longview, back through Turner Valley and Bragg Creek. It's a great scenic drive. I do this one on the bike a lot. There are all kinds of stops, stretches, hikes, photo ops along any of your routes. I'm sure Blake knows them all. Shopping and spas and the like will be best in Canmore and Banff. My wife will not be interested in five or six straight, full days in any car, never mind this one. I'm going to treat this as a kinda mini vacation and slow down and relax a bit from the everyday grind.

My straw says NO to the mechanic but I'm in the position where I can have mine towed home and leave it if I have to. I will certainly go along with the majority decision.

Doug M
The mechanic would cost $100 per day honourarium, $50 per day for meals, plus fuel to a maximum of $400. I will either supply or pay for everything else. This comes to $1,450, or $145 per person if there will be ten of us, $72.50 if there are twenty of us, and so on.

If there is no interest in going further than 200km, then perhaps there is no point to the trailer. My advocacy of this was based on the expectation that we would be ranging into some under-policed and, therefore, remote driver's roads. We don't need a trailer if we are just going shopping to Banff.

If our radius is going to be no more than 200km, then I can leave the trailer at Blake's house so that if we have a disabled car then I can always take a quick run back to get it.

I think we should reconsider the VHF radios too. If we are in remote areas with no cell coverage, then they are essential to keeping a large group together and safe. However, if we are going with the more leisurely option, then we can get away with cell phones and cheap walkie talkies.

Your call, guys. [pun intended Big Grin]
Last edited by peterh
I don't care where we go or how close or far we travel. But I do care about the low turnout!

If 6 of us are prepared to travel almost 6,000 miles to do this, then I would expect more than 4 of the local owners to show up.

I count almost 40 cars and 36 owners on my Western Owners list - from BC, AB and MB. If half of them are running that should be 20.

I want to see Panteras twisting round the mountains for miles. There's a post here from the last BC meeting with pics of over 20 cars. What's up with that?

I don't want to sound negative, but maybe Canmore is too far for many of them to get to. If it means we have to travel another 500 miles to go into BC, so be it. If that will make the cars show up, and maybe bring our US owners out as well, then fine.

Let's light a fire under some folks and find out.
All good points above. I'll throw in my vote for the sag wagon and mechanic.

And I totally agree with Doug's suggestion on the drive down Kananaskis 40 south. We can see who's car smokes the most at 7000 ft ASL!

I'll also need a "personal" day in there to go to Calgary, I have a friend with a new G35 I need to see to show him what a real car can do Wink

Peter I see your point about the Nelson/Kaslo area, I agree the drives there are beautiful. The mountains are also more dramatic, more on top of you than other places we're talking about so the guys from out east here will enjoy them. Nelson is also very close to the border so maybe there's a chance to encourage the Seattle/Spokane/Idaho owners to come up for a visit? If this is the case I don't mind the extra drive as long as we can split the drives up with a couple nice breaks.

For those of you who haven't been to Nelson it's like a smaller version of San Fran, with more hippies Razzer
I certainly want to come. No question about that. I have my car up on jackstands doing some winter work. If all goes as planned I will have all work done and the car running reliably by April. However I will not know how the work has gone until the time comes to drive it. If it looks like the modifications have fixed all of the bugs I will do everything I can to make it. If I am not 100% sure the problems are resolved Im not going to risk driving 600 miles away from home. Im not worried about the car so much It would just be an enormous pain in the ass. Because of this I dont want to give a definite yes. It will also depend on available funds and my proficiency at sweet talking my spouse. I know the Vancouver guys all have reliable cars as well as the Washington crowd. Its just tough for people to make that kind of commitment as not everyone has the same degree of flexibilty with their home/work life. I certainly hope this works out as it would be an awesome opportunity for the guys on the West Coast to have a gathering like Vegas or Pocono without having to travel thousands of miles.

Blaine "Keeping fingers crossed" Carmena
Hello all.

I recently joined the Forum and am stoked to see that there are, in fact, several active Pantera owners in the AB/BC region. I live in Calgary and, while I do not have a Pantera (yet!), my search has been underway for some time. I am attending the POCA Rally in Las Vegas in May and hope to make a purchase shortly thereafter.

Anyway, please contact me directly if you live in the Calgary area. I am also in Edmonton and Vancouver for business often and would like to see your Pantera (if you're up to giving me a tour)!

I look forward to hearing back from some fellow Pantera enthusiasts.


Welcome Eric,

I live in Calgary and purchased my car last April. I would be happy to give you a "tour" of my pantera and why I picked this particular car. While I am certainly not the expert some of the other owners are, I did do lots of research before I went shopping. I can also share the ups and downs of my experience in purchasing a car out of the US. Look forward to meeting with you.

Send me a private message and I will give you my address and phone #'s.

Doug M
Originally posted by deeb:
I don't want to sound negative, but maybe Canmore is too far for many of them to get to. If it means we have to travel another 500 miles to go into BC, so be it. If that will make the cars show up, and maybe bring our US owners out as well, then fine.

David: Your idea is a good one, but Blake has been kind enough to serve as our host in Canmore for this trip. Perhaps we could consider doing something based in the BC interior in 2009.

I trust and hope that more western DeTomaso owners will commit soon.
My quick and rough counting of the votes on the mechanic and trailer question are three for, and four against (that is, four in favour of short trips not needing a mechanic or recovery trailer).

I'm going to cut this off as of next weekend, because I owe the mechanic an answer, and I want to get down to route planning. Therefore, either post here (or PM me if you are shy) before then or forever hold your peace.
I am in favor of short trips. There is a trailer in town that possibly can be borrowed(or rented) if we have a truck to pull it. I really don't see the need for a mechanic if short trips are what we agree to for the four main days. Highwood Pass and back through Bragg Creek(or Calgary); Golden Triangle(Castle Junction, Radium, (add Invermere), Golden, Lake Louise); Icefields Parkway(towards Jasper) to the Icefields Centre and back; a "free day" to possibly just hang out....Emerald Lake Lodge, Post Hotel in Lake Louise or the Delta in Kananaskis for a late lunch with supper in Banff and shopping for the girls. If Canmore is too far for the Western owners(US participants), my next perfered location would be Victoria. The interior gets way too hot....Victoria is always pleasant.
If the four main days will be reserved for short trips as recommended by Blake, then I recommend we consider one or two longer circuits for the other four days.

One we should think about is the loop through Bragg Creek, Okotoks and south on 22, then west through the Crowsnest Pass to Cranbrook, north to Invermere, west to Banff and then back to Canmore. We can hit Fairmont Hotsprings on the way.

It is about 780 km, so we could break that up into two easy days by staying in either Cranbrook, Kimberly, or the Fairmont Hotsprings. If that is too long for anyone, they can opt out and do their own "free days". Or we could organize an alternative itinerary for them. Or we could meet them in Banff or Invermere.

Another possible circuit, but one with no obvious overnight stop, would be to go east to Ghost Lake, then north to Rocky Mountain House on hwys 40 & 591(lots of straight stretches and typical Alberta terrain), then west into the park (we can stop at Nordegg to see the Ram Falls (I'll check if there is pavement all the way in from the hwy to the falls)), south on the Icefields Parkway to Banff, then back East to Canmore. It is a 660km drive, which could be done in one day (in 4 hours if DEEB is in the lead). If there is an appetite to make this into an overnight trip, we could turn north on the Icefields Parkway to grab a hotel in Jasper and then back south the next day. This would turn it into a 971 km trip in total.

I'm not married to any one of these ideas - just tossing them out there to see what everyone thinks. I will be happy doing Blake's recommended easy days too -- I just want to run some scenarios by you and get some feedback as to what your preferences are. Keep in mind we have a full week to plan for, so limiting ourselves to short day trips will mean you will be driving the same routes and, obviously, not seeing as much of the country as you could if you were prepared to drive a little further.

If you are worried about the WAF (Wife Acceptability Factor), I suspect once the ladies see the incredible scenery they will be driving through, then any objections to driving distances will melt away. We will also make sure to plan for lots of stops at sites of interest as well as for good meals, and photo ops.
Last edited by peterh
Hey Guys,

Not being very familiar myself with the locations and actual driving distances, is it possible for someone to make up some sort or preliminary day-by-day itinerary that shows what is being proposed? I will probably sit out the days that involve 1000 km drives since even if my car and wife would be up for it, my ass surely wouldn't be (1971 seats...).

If the event consists primarily of short runs then I agree the need for a trailer may not be as great. I will sit on the fence and accept whatever the majority decision is on this. I'm sure most of us have CAA coverage, which I hadn't considered.

It sounds like there are lots of great ideas being proposed, but soon they need to be formulated into something that everyone can review and say Yes or No to so we can start booking holidays, flights etc. My vote is for a nice, balanced mix of everything: great scenery, great roads, great meeting and rest-stops.

Other than the expected 6 of us from the east, how many western owners are on-board so far? Peter, Blake, Doug, Marcus, Herman,...? Anybody from Washington planning to join the fun?
Peter and Doug are on board...Marcus and Blaine would have to drive approx 12 hours to reach Canmore. I am not familiar with any of the other Pantera owners in Western Canada/US. I am hoping the Canmore event will change this. The day trips that I planned are no more than approx. 4 hours of driving with beautiful scenery and great stops for eating, shopping and hiking....well balanced enjoyment. We really do not have many road choices. The drives that I have mentioned will not be super long. The scenery is absolutely stunning. If you are into the outdoors, this is a most wonderful place. I suggest staying in the area for a few weeks. Vancouver is a 10 hour drive. The route through Whistler is very entertaining...lots of curves and natural beauty.
I think a lot of people that would be interested may not be tracking this forum. While I can't speak for them, I think "Ted#9494" in Edmonton would be one. "GT5KR" (sorry,I don't know names) showed an interest earlier in this post. Maybe Blaine can give him a phone call. I think we should make an announcement on the events forum as well for the NW US owners who may not be looking at this Canadian forum. I will try and contact the one other Calgary owner I have met so far. Also, the one of one factory Mangusta Spyder is apparantly in Calgary. I will try to find the owner and coax him to bring the car out of hiding.

I mean, holy crap, we should not be out numbered by the people who are coming (at considerable expense) all the way from eastern Canada.

Doug M
I'm with Mark.

We have to book flights (hopefully on points) and hotels. This event comes right after Pocono and will require some juggling to be out of the office again so soon. So a detailed day by day itinerary ASAP would be great.

As much as I'd like to spend a month cruising the Rockies I am probably looking at 4 or 5 days only (Thursday-Monday). So let's try to get that part of the trip worked out fast.

Not that I'm afraid of long runs, but given the time frame and the WAF, it looks like short trips with an overnighter in Jasper would be the way to go.
Thanks Guys!

Doug, I spoke with the Spyder Mangusta owner a few years back. His name escapes me now, but it was Fred something. You'll not get him to bring that car out for something like this, BUT if you can arrange a tour of his collection, I will personally pay for your dinner one night we're there (you may have to remind me that I agreed to pay, but I will Smiler ). I guarantee that unless he has liquidated a lot of it, it would be a VERY worthwhile detour.
Originally posted by a734me:
...I think "Ted#9494" in Edmonton would be one. "GT5KR" (sorry,I don't know names) showed an interest earlier in this post. Maybe Blaine can give him a phone call. I think we should make an announcement on the events forum as well for the NW US owners who may not be looking at this Canadian forum...Doug M

Ted has confirmed, but I think Herman ("GT5KR") is still tentative. I will give him a call. As for the rest of the guys in Western Canada, I sent them all a written invitation last week. This was then forwarded by POCA NW chapter to DeTomaso owners in Washington. I have not had a single response. Confused

My next plan of attack is to phone everyone. If that doesn't work, I plan to take this all personally and sulk a lot, followed by some good old wallowing in self-pity.

I will be traveling on business for the next week, but will be able to work with Doug & Blake on route planning after that.
Canmore Pantera Meet - June 13th-16th, 2008

June 13th - The Golden Triangle
-breakfast at Summit Cafe in Canmore
-Hwy #1 to Castle Junction/#93 to Radium, BC(Yoho National Park Hot Springs for a dip)/side trip to Invermere, BC.(a bit of shopping)/a slight backtrack to Golden, BC - lunch at the top of Kicking Horse(Eagle's Eye Restaurant) and a visit with Boo the bear( on route #1 to Canmore through Kicking Horse Pass and Lake Louise
-supper in Banff - St. James Gate Irish Pub

June 14th - Easy going day
-brunch at The Quarry in Canmore
-#1 west to Takaka Falls in BC
-Emerald Lake Lodge - hike around the lake - must wear off the calories from lunch(absolutey stunning area!)
-Lake Louise - Post Hotel for cocktails
-return to Canmore
-Crazyweed for supper

June 15th - Canmore Car Show
-breakfast is up to you(no plans)
-10AM - the annual Canmore Show and Shine(a good turnout of fine Panteras would be appreciated)...remain until 12:30-1:00PM.
-#1 east to Hwy #40 south - Kananaskis Country
-late lunch at The Pub in Kananaskis Village(site of the G-8 summit a few years back)
-continue south on #40 to Longview/north on 22 to Millarville/backroads to Bragg Creek and then to Cochrane/#1A back into Canmore
-picnic supper at Mount Norquay in Banff(Banff restaurant if weather does not permit)

June 16th - Brewster Icefields Centre
-breakfast at Melissa's in Banff
-#1 west to Lake Louise/Icefields Parkway to Brewster's Centre(Snowcoach ride on the glacier)
-lunch at Num-Ti-Ja Lodge(Icefields Parkway)
-Lake Louise - Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise for a walk down the lake - Plain of the Six Glaciers/cocktails at the Chateau
-back to Canmore - BBQ at Blake's
Hey Guys,

I really appreciate the itinerary Blake.

I just spent an hour on MapQuest to better get a handle on distances and time for all these stops. I think some of this might be a bit ambitious if we want to stop much longer than a half hour in each place. That may be too long in some locations, but not in others.

I think that Day 1 has way too much driving to accomplish all the meals, stops, dunking, shopping etc., but I do admit I am not totally familiar with the area. Also, none of these include DEEB's side trip to Jasper (which I think would be cool too).

I have detailed driving instructions and maps that MapQuest provides and I can forward them to anyone who wants them, but here is a very abbreviated summary. The times/distances after a location are calculated to the next location. The last line each day is the total drive time/distance for the day.

Day One:

  ESTIMATED TIME: 2 hours, 28 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 108.89 miles
ESTIMATED TIME: 1 hour, 25 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 74.11 miles
  ESTIMATED TIME: 2 hours, 6 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 101.38 miles

TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME: 5 hours, 58 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 284.39 miles

Day Two:

  ESTIMATED TIME: 1 hour, 21 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 65.54 miles
 ESTIMATED TIME: 20 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 15.74 miles
  ESTIMATED TIME: 1 hour, 2 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 49.89 miles

TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME: 2 hours, 42 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 131.17 miles

Day Three:

ESTIMATED TIME: 35 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 33.30 miles

NOTE: Day doesn't start until 1 PM — AFTER the car display in Canmore...
ESTIMATED TIME: 1 hour, 28 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 78.18 miles
  ESTIMATED TIME: 54 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 43.29 miles
  ESTIMATED TIME: 27 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 20.11 miles
  ESTIMATED TIME: 56 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 48.54 miles

TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME: 4 hours, 19 minutes |  TOTAL DISTANCE: 223.42 miles

Day Four:

 ESTIMATED TIME: 24 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 16.75 miles
 ESTIMATED TIME: 1 hour, 26 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 68.86 miles
 ESTIMATED TIME: 42 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 33.89 miles
 ESTIMATED TIME: 1 hour, 2 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 49.89 miles

TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME: 3 hours, 34 minutes | TOTAL DISTANCE: 169.39 miles
HI Mark,
I drive these routes quite often....I really do not have much of a choice. The Golden Triangle route(with the side trip to Invermere, BC) is really the only one that might be pushing it. We can always eliminate Invermere and go directly to Golden from Radium. The amount of daylight we have is extended compared to Eastern Canada. I believe June 21st is the longest day of the year...the sun sets at about 10:45 PM. If we don't make it back for supper in Canmore each evening, there are many options along the way.
Attention all West Coast owners - here's an offer you can't refuse!

Our new enclosed Pantera hauler carries six cars in style. We will come to Canmore a few days early and then send our rig and driver to Vancouver to pick you up. We'll bring your cars to Canmore so we can all enjoy this great event that Blake has planned.

And then we'll drive you home too! Our raw cost for fuel and driver is about $3500 - get 6 cars to come and it's less than $600 each.

Please contact Blake or Peter H if you are interested.
Originally posted by Mark Charlton:... may be too long in some locations, but not in others.

I think that Day 1 has way too much driving to accomplish all the meals, stops, dunking, shopping etc., [/b]

Mark: What speed did you use for your calculations? Try punching in an average of 250km/hr and see what you get. Radar detectors are legal in Alberta & BC, ya' know? dancing
Guys, a quick thought ...

I have a close personal friend who lives in Banff. He is a photographer.

If there is interest, I could make arrangements to have a very nice backdrop ready for pictures of your car in the Canadian rockies. (Check out the "places" link on the web site above.)

I have no personal interest in this, but if I do have a Pantera by June I am going to make arrangements to have a professional photo session done. I thought I would extend the offer to those attending ...
Originally posted by Peter H:
Mark: What speed did you use for your calculations? Try punching in an average of 250km/hr and see what you get. Radar detectors are legal in Alberta & BC, ya' know? dancing

Ha Ha Ha... You GT5 guys crack me up. I have an old weaser '71. I can barely break wind with it! Wink

Mapquest figures we all follow the law. Go figure.


I'll be bringing my gear along and as long as your friend isn't going to get his nose out of joint when my Nikon is right beside his pointing in the same direction, I'm fine. I won't be looking to add extra expense, however.

Of course, I'm more than happy to take free photos of your car at the same time, but you will need to HAVE a car by then. Smiler Good luck with the search!

I have now sent out two invitations (the second one being the transport offer)to a couple of dozen owners. From Edmonton, only Dragica & Ted are confirmed. From Vancouver, only Herman has expressed a tentative interest. From Victoria, Marcus expressed a tentative interest and Blaine is definitely gung-ho if he can figure out a way to transport his fire breathing beast to Canmore. No word at all from any of the guys in Washington.

Blaine will be calling around to see if he can get at least six West Coast cars committed so that we can fill the transport.
I sent another email to Mike Thomas as well. Maybe they will submit just to make us stop bugging them. I have an email out to Herman as well to try to get some phone #'s to talk to some people in person. I talked to Wes last night and am fairly certain he wont be making it. I hate to say it but it seems like we might be fighting the Italian Days show. I guess if there is a show in the back yard its easier right??? I will continue my efforts with what resources I have.


540 km total
Times based on average speed of 110km/hr

Time Distance Instruction Road For Dir Toward
09:00 0.0 Depart Canmore, Alberta Local road(s) 1.5 km S
09:01 1.5 Turn left onto TC-1A 49.4 km E Calgary
09:29 50.9 Turn left onto Local road(s) 223 m NW
09:30 51.1 At Ghost Lake, Alberta - Stop 1, return on Local road(s) 223 m SE
09:30 51.3 Turn left onto TC-1A 8.2 km E Calgary
09:35 59.5 Turn left onto S-40 244.7 km N Grande Prairie
12:02 304.2 At Brazeau [Brazeou], [Nordegg], turn right onto S-11 0.6 km E Red Deer
12:02 304.8 Turn left onto Local road(s) 9 m NW
12:02 304.8 At Nordegg [Brazeau], Alberta - Stop 2, return on Local road(s) 9 m SE
12:02 304.8 At Rocky Mountain House, turn right onto S-11 85.4 km W
12:16 328.6 Refuel before here: last refuel 328.6 kilometers ago
12:54 390.2 At Saskatchewan River Crossing, turn right onto S-93 120.4 km W
14:06 510.6 Go onto S-93A 21.0 km W
14:19 531.6 Go onto S-93 6.5 km NW
14:24 538.1 Go onto Local road(s) 2.0 km N
14:25 540.1 Arrive Jasper, Alberta


Images (1)
  • Canmore_to_Jasper_via_Nordegg
Last edited by peterh
Originally posted by Peter H:
540 km total
Times based on average speed of 110km/hr
14:25 540.1 Arrive Jasper, Alberta

This implies an overnight stay in Jasper, which means I shouldn't book all of the nights in Canmore.

For me, this would seem to make sense for the last night of the get-together, as I could head back to Victoria from Jasper instead of booking an odd additional night back in Canmore.

Any comments?
Ok here goes. The Revelstoke to Golden stretch might prove difficult for me fuel wise. I have no idea how far I can go on a tank yet. This route hits most of the petro cans along the way. I will have to stop in Lake Louise as well but Mapquest would only let me plot ten stops. Hopefully if the guys dont push me too hard I can tune the car to get over 10mpg. This would net me roughly 110 miles at cruise.



Images (1)
  • Victoria_to_Canmore

The route you have mapped out is the fastest and most direct. However, it sucks. You are missing all the good driving roads & great scenery. I suggest you give yourself an additional day of driving time, and go through Kelowna, Vernon, Nakusp, Nelson, Kaslo etc. This will make your drive a wonderful experience, rather than a boring drone stuck behind trucks on the TransCanada.
Originally posted by eclectechie:This implies an overnight stay in Jasper, which means I shouldn't book all of the nights in Canmore.

For me, this would seem to make sense for the last night of the get-together, as I could head back to Victoria from Jasper instead of booking an odd additional night back in Canmore.


The post you are referring to was just a test to figure out how I could post route maps here, and a way of stimulating discussion on the Nordegg route to or from Jasper.

My current thinking is to plan the Jasper overnight trip for last, as you suggest. I will copy you directly with my last e-mail on the subject so you will have all the details of my proposal, which actually consists of two nights in snug, cozy cabins in Jasper with lots of shopping, sightseeing and a boat ride, all in the service of building up enough WAF points for a good hard run back to Canmore via Nordegg & Rocky Mountain House.
Well, I'm sorry about this, but I can no longer make the Canmore trip. More accurately, my Pantera can't make it.

It appears that Michelin was serious about their Pilot Sport PS2s not being safe below 5 degrees C in the rain; once they let go, they do not regain traction. End result in my case was a trip into the concrete highway median divider.

The car sustained some sheet metal damage and broken suspension parts on the right side. Both doors are untouched and work normally, so the damage is most likely just cosmetic, but I will know better early next week after the car undergoes a detailed inspection.

I think I now know how someone feels when they see one of their fingers lying on the bandsaw... Frowner
Sorry to hear about your mishap. I had a similar experience with my P7's. Very lucky for me there were no obstacles around. Gave me a nasty scare, though, when I realized how fast I could have turned this thing of beauty into a pile of junk!
Sincerely, I hope it is not serious and that she is back good as new A.S.A.P.
Doug M

Definately still interested !!
I really like your original itinerary/schedule.
I am off work from Thurs. 12th to Tues.17th
Unfortunately, my wife cannot get time off in June and will only be able to join me on Sat. & Sun. I'm going to commute in and out of Calgary daily for this reason. I will be ready to go anytime, anywhere the group decides. Smiler
Doug M
I think we may need to reset the schedule given that it will be an all-Alberta gathering (with the exception of Peter who is coming in from BC).

I don't think I can make all four days and would propose a more condensed intinerary that includes driving, driving, eating, driving, beer drinking (a single), driving, picture taking, driving and a nice dinner.

I could convince my wife to stay out in the hills for one evening, but I would be pushing it for much more (as we have young kids).

Doug and I are heading to the Show and Shine tonight and will put our combined brain power together on something that may work for everyone ...
Hi Blake,

It's not really a show and shine as in an organized thing. Just a gathering of car guys (and gals) that happens every Wed. night weather permitting at the Home Depot parking lot, Glenmore and McLeod Tr. from 6:30 - 9:30. On a busy night we can get 200 cars or more. All different shapes and sizes.
As far as the get together, I'm game for anything.
Yup. I'm coming all right. I am fighting to avoid some work stuff that is threatening to interfere with the first three days. The worst case scenario may be that I don't show up until noon Saturday.

BTW, as far as I know, Ted & Dragica from Edmonton are still planning to come with their amazing Amerisport GT5-S. I'll give them a call and confirm.
Blake's original itinerary is below. My comments follow ...

Originally posted by Blake:
Canmore Pantera Meet - June 13th-16th, 2008

June 13th - The Golden Triangle
-breakfast at Summit Cafe in Canmore
-Hwy #1 to Castle Junction/#93 to Radium, BC(Yoho National Park Hot Springs for a dip)/side trip to Invermere, BC.(a bit of shopping)/a slight backtrack to Golden, BC - lunch at the top of Kicking Horse(Eagle's Eye Restaurant) and a visit with Boo the bear( on route #1 to Canmore through Kicking Horse Pass and Lake Louise
-supper in Banff - St. James Gate Irish Pub

June 14th - Easy going day
-brunch at The Quarry in Canmore
-#1 west to Takaka Falls in BC
-Emerald Lake Lodge - hike around the lake - must wear off the calories from lunch(absolutey stunning area!)
-Lake Louise - Post Hotel for cocktails
-return to Canmore
-Crazyweed for supper

June 15th - Canmore Car Show
-breakfast is up to you(no plans)
-10AM - the annual Canmore Show and Shine(a good turnout of fine Panteras would be appreciated)...remain until 12:30-1:00PM.
-#1 east to Hwy #40 south - Kananaskis Country
-late lunch at The Pub in Kananaskis Village(site of the G-8 summit a few years back)
-continue south on #40 to Longview/north on 22 to Millarville/backroads to Bragg Creek and then to Cochrane/#1A back into Canmore
-picnic supper at Mount Norquay in Banff(Banff restaurant if weather does not permit)

June 16th - Brewster Icefields Centre
-breakfast at Melissa's in Banff
-#1 west to Lake Louise/Icefields Parkway to Brewster's Centre(Snowcoach ride on the glacier)
-lunch at Num-Ti-Ja Lodge(Icefields Parkway)
-Lake Louise - Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise for a walk down the lake - Plain of the Six Glaciers/cocktails at the Chateau
-back to Canmore - BBQ at Blake's

Due to Peter's schedule (and possibly Ted's), should we consider cancelling the 13th? That way, we can meet up on the afternoon of the 14th and maybe concentrate on introductions and "inspections" followed by dinner in Canmore?

The 15th can be a solid day of driving followed by breakfast on the 16th and a quick drive before we depart.

Oh, the Canmore Show n Shine on the 15th would be a great event for five or so cats to roll in on ...

Blake, you should plan to pop in to Calgary for the Wed night show next week. That way, we can nail down the details with Doug before the Canmore Run. I'm hoping the guy with the orange L slaps a plate on his car for next Wed. I'd love to see that cat ...
Here's my 2 cents worth:

If Peter and Ted can make it for Friday 13th, leave that day as is. That is a beautiful drive and should not be missed.
If they cannot make it: cancel Friday, start the get together noon on Saturday, meet everybody, dinner.
When the original schedule was drawn up, I passed the word to all my car buddies (from the camaro days) that we were going to be at the Canmore show and shine on Sunday and most of them said they would bring their cars out for the show. Hopefully we are still planning to attend?
We should do the Friday scheduled drive after the show and shine. It's daylight until 10:00 p.m. this time of year.
Monday should also be a full day, maybe do the drive originally scheduled for Sat.? Substitute the picnic supper for the BBQ at Blakes (if he is still willing?)
Just my thoughts.
When I saw the original schedule I arranged to be off work from Fri. till Tues. and plan to be out in the mountains driving every day.
As I said earlier, I am game for anything.
Doug M

Please do not change any plans on my account.

As things stand, I have a fixed commitment on June 12 in Fort St. John. I have booked flights that get me out of Calgary on the evening of the 11th, and get me back on the evening of the 12th. However, I also now have another possible important work commitment on the 9th in Prince George. Therefore, I am debating driving to Canmore via Prince George, arriving on the 11th flying back home again for the 12th, back to Calgary that same day. In the alternative, I could just drive down on the 13th, overnight in Edmonton, and arrive in Canmore mid-day on the 14th. Anyway, the point is that everything is in flux, and you should just not worry about me.

I talked to Ted, and he may or may not be able to come. He has some worries about getting his car to Canmore and back, plus a possible competing commitment. He will let us know one way or the other as soon as he can.
My latest itinerary has me arriving in Canmore on Wednesday the 11th. I will have to fly out of Calgary that same day to attend a meeting back home, so I will leave my trailer and car at a friend's in Priddis. I will return on the evening of the 12th, so I should be ready to rock on Friday morning.

Blake, will there be a place I can safely leave my trailer in Canmore, or should I leave it in Priddis?

That's great news about Friday! Smiler
If it is any help, I can store your trailer and car in the shop I work at. Barlow & 20th Ave. about 5 Km from the airport! Secure with an alarm system. You could drop it off anytime on the 11th and pick it up any time on the 12th. I will send you a PM with my personal cell#.
Doug M
Excellent observation, Husker.

I am still blown away at how no two Panteras are the same. These three, built within 18 months of each other, bear some very different original features and mods.

Having owned my cat for two months now, I am amazed at how the Pantera looks so differnet - so stylish, so gorgeous - from each and every angle. Tom Tjaarda certainly did an outstanding job in designing the Pantera.
Last edited by ea3528
Originally posted by Blake:
Peter, will you be able to make breakfast in Canmore for 9:30 AM in Canmore on Friday?

Yes, I hope so. I'll be dead exhausted, but I'll do my best to drag my carcass there. However, I will not be able to stay for supper in Banff. I need to be in Red Deer that evening for an important reunion with old friends, and so I will just keep going once we reach Banff after our Golden Triangle run. I will be back first thing on Saturday morning, though.
Here's my deal ...

I will drive out Friday morning to meet you all for breakfast and make the Golden Triangle drive. Afterwards, I will head home that evening to gather the family together to spend Sat/Sun in Banff.

(I have our travel agent working a room package at one of the resorts. She usually can find a good deal. Stay tuned.)

I am in for the entire day on Sat and then the Canmore Show n Shine and drive on Sunday.

It currently looks like I will NOT make the Monday drive due to work commitments. Regardless, the three days of driving will be EXCELLENT ... and the weather looks promising!
Originally posted by Blake:
Erik, Doug and Peter;
take a look at the following for accomodations in Canmore:

1. - Lodges and Canmore Crossing
2. Bear and Bison
3. Creekside Country Inn

Good parking facilities at 2 & 3 for your Pantera. They are side by side....Bear and Bison more high end.

I booked a room at the Rimrock in Banff, which was a must for entertaining the two kids. Rate was steep - so I won't even pass it along. Ouch!
Well, the weather is looking to improve for the weekend, but let's keep our fingers crossed.

My daughter's dance recital got moved to Sat morning - so I will be a little late joining up for that drive ... however, I am still bringing the family for the night and will be in for the evening festivities and Sunday drive and car show.

Monday is still tenative for me due to work obligations ...
Originally posted by Blake:
are we still shooting for 9:30 AM in Canmore on Friday morning? Craig's Restuarant on Bow Valley Trail(1A-Gasoline Alley) next to the Tim Horton's would be a good place for breaky.

See you there in the morning, Blake. I spoke with Doug and he and Peter got everything sorted. Time to roll!
Great day yesterday; incredible roads winding through some unbelievable scenery. Blake and his charming wife are the consumate hosts (I'm spoiled to the point of feeling guilty), and the company is just the best!

Doug not only saved my bacon by storing my rig at his shop so that I could make my crazy flight schedule, but also chauffeured me around while entertaining me with lots of gearhead talk. Many thanks, Doug!

Erik has a Pantera you just have to see. Just beautiful. And he's a great guy to boot!

The cats got wet, and my MSD went (thanks to Blake for the rescue mission!), but it was still an awesome, awesome day.

What an experience. I'm glad I made it down for this, and the best thing is that there are still three more days to go!
plenty of pics taken(over 400 photos in two days....two more days to go). Too busy having fun....will organize photos on Tuesday. Car show and Highwood pass today. The Pantera passion is alive in Canmore! Sunny sky, snow topped mountains, beautiful roads and great people to drive with....what more could you ask for?
Sorry, David, but my camera died along with my MSD (and now my starter). However, the other guys have cameras and have been taking videos and stills. I'm sure they will post when they get home and have time.

Yesterday was a total blast. The rain finally stopped, and we went for a great run north up the Icefields Parkway; 300km of great roads, incredible scenery, and even better company. Blake's clutch slave went, but he had a spare and so Doug and his son's friend (along for the ride) had him on the road in no time.

There were lots of stretches where we found ourselves cooking along at speeds that even David would find satisfying. Razzer

Incident one:

My starter is not working so, when I pulled into a gas station at Lake Louise, I had to leave the car running while I waited for a suitable pump to vacate (ie one from which we could push start my car). As I was sitting there, a cop appears out of nowhere, and starts giving me a hard time about how loud my exhaust is. He claims he was working in his nearby office, and thought "a bunch of Harleys had pulled in." Fortunately, he did not write me up.

Incident # 2

At a gas station near the icefields, I had the following exhange with the gas station attendant as my car sat there idling:

Attendant: Your car has a four four cylinder, right?

Peter: (stunned pause, as the car sat there rumbling -- like a whole pack of Harley's, apparently) Yup. (pause) Well, actually, it has a V-8.

Attendant: The later ones all came with four cylinders, though.

Peter: Oh yeah. Those were a lot faster, and they sounded really, really mean.
Last edited by peterh
Totally righteous day today. We started by making a fashionably late entrance into a local car show, and creating a sensation by rumbling onto the field in formation.

We then took off for a picnic lunch in a field with a spectacular view of the mountains, and then we proceeded to tear up those same mountains with four snarling cats. We eventually reached an elevation where there was snow all around us. Then we flew back down, throwing up rooster tails of dust (the road had only just opened today for the season).

It was a perfect Pantera day. My hat is off to Blake and his charming, lovely wife for having arranged all this.
Last edited by peterh
Snow? Rooster tails of dust?

Are you kidding? No way us pussy East coast guys would get our cars so dirty!

Just kidding. Wow. It sounds like a great time. And glad to hear you are being so well cared for. I sure wish we were there.

Blake, watch out for Peter. Don't leave him alone with your wife.

In terms of a complete recap, I am still TOTALLY speechless from the Canmore Run - so a few 'teaser' pix will have to do ...

The below snap was taken on a really cool one-way bridge at the base of the Kicking Horse Resort in Golden, BC. The President of the resort followed us down the hill and stopped us to ask if we would be interested in bringing our cats to show off at an upcoming exotic car show he is planning. The answer? Of course, just as long as you close the two miles of pristine switch-back roads ... just long enough for us to eat them up on our way to the top!


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Blake has a Pantera.

Blake drives up the mountain on twisty roads.

Blake drives down the mountain on twisty roads.

Blake drives very fast.

Blake invites his friends.

Blake's friends drive up the mountain on twisty roads.

Blake's friends drive down the mountain on twisty roads.

Blake and his friends drive very fast.

The police do not catch them.

Blake and his friends are very happy.

The end.


WoooHOOOO!!!! What a rush!! What a great group of people!

Gotta do it again. Soon.
thanks everyone for a great four days of socializing and driving! It was fantastic to have Bobby, James, Roy, Kathy, Brigette and Lilly(& Erik's son) join us.
I will post more pics as soon as I have some time to figure out how to reduce the file size. I shall also burn some CD's.
Let's plan a weekend in the Fernie/Kimberly area for late Aug. Anyone in the Vernon area in July, please look me up. There is no speed limit on he lake....I think I am going to name my boat "Pantera".
Just got a txt from my buddy in Banff. He heard a bunch of Sunshine workers talking about 'these killer sports cars' that ripped up to the hill on Monday. I suppose making an 8KM run in less than 3 minutes makes for good conversation. He asked the guys and they said we were the talk of the village all day.

By the way, he has since given up his search for a Ferrari 308. He has been converted!
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