While reading an old magazine I saw a vintage pic of the rear battery compartment and thought I can do that!
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I did not like the maintenance free battery look. So I got some 6V battery caps, shaved them and painted them yellow, the booties were purchased from a vintage Italian car parts supplier.
Looks great Denis. When I actually get a battery in my car, I'll be calling. 

Denis, Looks fantastic ! What company carries the rubber booties ? - Jim

I originally looked at the Ferrari ones but they turned-out to be a little on the expensive side. So I opted for the eBay variety little less expensive, good quality and still look good.
Thanks Denis, the cap approach is great! Very cool, looks excellent!
More Fiat parts to the rescue!
Now those caps are just sexy!!!!
Like the lone cow on the horizon, you are outstanding in your field again!
PS: Where'd you find the MM graphics for the side of the battery!? I missed that at first as I think others did!!!!
Now those caps are just sexy!!!!
Like the lone cow on the horizon, you are outstanding in your field again!

PS: Where'd you find the MM graphics for the side of the battery!? I missed that at first as I think others did!!!!

The decal is a Parker Hall / Kilimanjaro item.
Hi Denis, I saw the same picture before trying to get the car ready for the big show last November. I couldn't locate any cell caps in the U.K. I searched numerous scrap car yards but eventually found a set on eBay, paid a fortune for them but the are original and look great. I didn't have time to sort out the top of the battery i.e. Fill and repaint to hide the carry handle. And I even bought the same battery sticker you put on yours! This pic is at the show and you can just see the battery.
When you were describing making the mods to the caps, what are the "booties" you are talking about????
When you were describing making the mods to the caps, what are the "booties" you are talking about????
Steve I think the booties that Denis mentioned are the terminal clamp covers.
quote:Originally posted by Denis C:
I originally looked at the Ferrari ones but they turned-out to be a little on the expensive side. So I opted for the eBay variety little less expensive, good quality and still look good.
Is there any number or text that reveals it's FIAT rubber booties?
I have new battery hold-down from De Tomaso that looks like your if anyone is interested...

Can you please post pics
Denis, I will check tomorrow where it is.
I have trouble transferring photos to my computer, I post photos as soon as I solved the problem.
I have trouble transferring photos to my computer, I post photos as soon as I solved the problem.
Nicely done Denis! It's nice to see these little extra touches that make the car look period correct ... the Delco battery is functional and I'm sure the average person looking at the car wouldn't give it a conscious thought, but sub-consciously it doesn't feel 'right'. This mod definitely has the right vibe - one of the benefits of Canadian winters eh?
Hi Denis, looks great, thanks for the ideas & motivation! Was interested in your mention of the reproduction battery hold down...I remember somebody made a batch for sale about 1-2 years ago (I think), could that have been you? I got distracted and missed the boat at that time.
How do you know those caps are original?

The caps are not original, but have a similar appearance to how our cars left the factory. Here is a vintage photo from an old magazine that I used for reference.
Hi dick, I think you refer to me when I stated 'original' I meant original to a period battery i.e. 60s-70s not what was originally fitted to the Mangusta!
Hi Denis
I do not remember exact right the battery hold-down I have is the one that is labeled A.
What you seek is labeled C.
I have never seen labeled A on a battery mounted in front, only the one labeled B. Does anyone know if labeled A was used on battery mounted in front, if so which Pantera? or whether it is supposed to be "adjusts" the holder to fit the rear mounted battery?
I do not remember exact right the battery hold-down I have is the one that is labeled A.
What you seek is labeled C.
I have never seen labeled A on a battery mounted in front, only the one labeled B. Does anyone know if labeled A was used on battery mounted in front, if so which Pantera? or whether it is supposed to be "adjusts" the holder to fit the rear mounted battery?
Are Mangusta caps supposed to be the reeded edge variety as per Denis's redone battery or are they supposed to be more the style in the drawing above (the magazine photo doesn't quite look like either....)
Is yellow the correct color?
Is yellow the correct color?
If you somehow come across a junk Magneto-Marelli battery, it's possible to melt the top sealing goo off, gut the interior & wash the case clean, then fit a smaller modern battery inside and tack-glue the original top back on. Internal jumpers connect the 2 sets of posts. Guys with ancient vintage cars do this for formal Concours- sometimes going from 6v to12v in the process while losing no judge's points. Don't throw ANYTHING away when working on your DeTomaso!
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