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George and Larry, THANKS! Great explanation and photos. Now with winter looming I can try to get that mess of mine sorted for some serious testing in the spring! Big Grin

And, my Porterfields also had a pin instead of the square factory-style tab. Rotating the rear calliper pistons is just a matter of putting a large flat-blade screwdriver (or proper tool if you have one) into the notch and rotating the piston about 1/8 turn to allow it to be compressed back into the calliper so the new (presumably fatter) pads will clear the disc on reassembly.
Wow - I start with where to get pads and end up wanting to redo the whole brake system! This is great, and the photos are wonderful! I really need to hook up with the Panteras in town. There are a couple, and some mystery ones as well. This is what I get for leaving mine sitting..
I'll have to see if mine still has the proportioning valve.
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