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New guy here. I recently aquired #1438. It had been in controlled storage for a long time. I am bringing it back. I have it running and driving after going through all the systems and fluids. I am starting now to address systems that need attention.

Coolant Tubes
I have bought the stainless coolant tubes along with the rubber bushes and will be installing them. My new guy question is;

Can you remove the tubes by sliding them forward (sliding them toward the rear looks like you would run into the oil pan)?

Next question,

Is there a source for the soft hoses that I can buy in bulk and cut? Looks like Gates green line might work. What is the Inside diameter of the hose (so I buy the right one)?

Thank you in advance for your advice and help!



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  • 1971 Pantera - #1438
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You have to cut the pipes under the car to get them out…

Gates hoses are the correct hoses to use..

you need two sizes.. Measure the pipes you have to find the correct ID for them.. or call

PI Motorsports,  714-744-1398  

they probably can send you all the Gates hoses already cut for usage

and please double clamp them..

Here’s what I did

Last edited by LeMans850i can slide the Tubes forward if you Cut the Forward tube 'Mount', to move the tubes Down and forward. No need to chop the Tube itself. Don't want to cut the mount, then you will cut the tube, the one whole tube, the other is already in halves...or wait until the Engine is removed, to remove and install tubes from the rear.

I use to provide the Stainless Tubes cut to 5 Foot Lengths (or was it 6 feet?), until shipping became too restrictive. Yes, the Diameter is 1-3/8".

I advise 2 clamps at Each Hose End. Stay away from Silicone Hose!! Gates 'Green-Stripe' is what You want. You should be able to find it at most 'NAPA' auto supply houses.


P.S. I also, used to work at the Norton Factory in Hayward, CA. Norton 'Hold Fast' Clamps. 25 Years. We Invented the 'Liner Clamp'! Among other Special Clamps. All were Stainless Steel. I personally Assembled over a Million Clamps and Couplings!!

Last edited by marlinjack

You may find these Gates preformed hose sections handy.

The larger is 22147. 1-3/8" diameter and will provide two nice 90* segments, one with a convenient offset tail. They have worked well for me making connections at the under car pipes in lieu of some of the short pre bent SS sections.

The smaller size is 28471. It has a tight preformed 90* end that is perfect for the tight 90*s coming off the heater pipe nipples coming in/out of the cabin.

As long as a 28471 appears, it is not quite long enough to make it all the way to the engine nipples, so here is your chance to install shut off valves in the heater lines to isolate the cabin from the engine. Nice in summer to help your A/C by keeping unwanted heat out of the cabin. And, later on, any issues within the cabin portion of the system (heater valve, rusted out lines) can be addressed without draining your entire cooling system.


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  • IMG_2694
  • IMG_2695

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