Reinstalling the original dual pod v. changing the two pod to the single pod raises some questions and with a new fiberglass dash, you need to cut in all of the holes.
You can see the impressions lightly in the gel coat where the mold was copied from an existing single pod dash so that I used as a guide.
I recommend labeling everything on the wiring. If you are accustomed to working with electronic equipment it may come easier to you. I am not.
When everything is out and the harness is just hanging there, you will be surprised how fast you forget where everything went to?
Incidentally, Ptouch has a new feature in that you can now label shrink tube in the label maker.
In my case the mounting points of the dual pod and single pod are the same. I can not testify that Mr. Byers didn't make a hybrid for me knowing what I was doing and putting the mounts in the single pod as where he knew the dual pod mounts were? I don't think so, but that is possible.
The tricky things were deciding 1) Where the defroster grills went. You get one straight that you need to cut a hole in the top of the heater box for that doesn't exist in the dual pod heater box. That is the center defroster grill and is the straight one.
2) Then you have to decide where to put the grate with the 45° elbow and the one with the 90° elbow. I put the 45 on the passenger side and the 90 on the driver side.
3) You need to flatten the duct to the driver side grill slightly to get over the speedometer housing
You need to take the steering column out completely to access the last dash mount. Then the speedometer bracket from underneath where the steering column is mounted. That is the only access point that you have to it. Then put the steering column back in.
If you are considering doing the EPS installation, that is the time to do it.
What I found with the console gauges is that the there is very little room for using the factory white gang plugs and that even relocating them slightly is tough but it is easier to take the console out to deal with the changes to the heater/defroster box that you need to make.
IF you research you WILL find that there are two heater boxes listed by Detomaso as well as two consoles listed. Both refer to the single pod v. dual pod, BUT you don't need to change either when going to the single pod, just modify the dual pod items to fit the single pod.
On the dual pod AC grill cages, as installed in the dual pod, will not fit the single pod.
You need to trim the sheet metal on the top and bottom of the metal ducts and refinish them. In the picture I am posting, you can get an idea of what I did with those ducts I think. Those sleeves needed to be covered in leather as the original vinyl is not flexible enough to survive the trimming of the sheet metal edges.
I also used leather on covering the dash. You need to stretch the leather which is a little tricky. I used oak veneer inserts in the single pod but you could just leave that black but it is gloss black because that is gell coat.
The original factory single pod is not going to have provisions for the two additional gauges that I used in my dash, i.e., the vacuum and fuel pressure gauges.
There Detomasso installed additional warning lights until you get to somewhere in the late 1980's where they offered an option of two addition gauges in those locations.
Someone who works on this combination all the time will be able to accomplish this in the suggested time that Lemans suggests but I wouldn't bet the family fortune on that time schedule. I certainly can't with all of the change considerations that went into my build.
Maybe using an original USA single pod will expedite the installation but knowing how the mounting brackets are attached with an epoxy bonding adhesive, similar to how the plastic bumper covers are attached to the supports on the current production vehicles, I wouldn't be surprised if there were issues with those in one or more locations coming loose?
If you look closely at the detail on the AC outlet, you will see that the top and bottom edges needed to be removed to fit into the dash. The leather sleeve that I made I left long and rolled it to give the effect that it is molded.
I do have a pair of the newer rectangular AC outlet grates but liked the results of my modification of the originals so I left them as you see them.
There is some sheetmetal work underneath also to be done to the heater/AC box and in aligning those to the heater/defroster/ac box beneath them.