I, at first had decided to leave this project Alone! Do I need another 'Temporary Hassle'?? Any Machinist 'worth his salt', can pull this work, off. But who has the drive to see it to completion?
What will be the reward?....Hundreds of interested Pantera Owners, can Have a DIY Firewall, Minus the Ugly Bulge.
Doug is responsible for Marlin, changing his Mind. I knew if I Was going to this, I was going into It Full-Bore!
Some photos will start coming.
The Alternator must be moved back 2 Inches. The alternator cannot be moved back, where it sits, as the dipstick tube allows only 3/4" of movement back. And remember WE have all the Electrical STUDS protruding towards the Head. Including the 12 Volt HOT cable at Full battery amperage. The Solution is to Move the Alternator DOWN and Back to a custom bracket in the place of the AC Compressor, gone now, since I purchased the Pantera in 2001.
All of the Pulleys must line up with the Innermost Sheeve of my (2 Sheeve 1" apart) aftermarket Aluminum Crank Pulley. See in pics. That Pulley cannot be changed, along with the Alternator Pulley Distance...so the Alternator is LIMITED to moving Back, a Max. of 1.0". And moves down to gain Increasing Clearance with-in the Firewall Angle.
That Problem solved, we can move on to the nitty-gritty...the Water Pump Hub Height. What started this quest.
With respect to Doug and 3/4" of plywood to bring the Firewall forward, I don't think the pulley will clear My Situation of wanting the Original Sheetmetal, absolutely FLAT!! NO Wood!, and Doug's Right, I don't do wood in My Machine Shop...very little. My solution, A Frame all around the Hatch Opening of 1" Square Tubing, mounted to where the Original Small screws, screwed into 'captured' square nuts...these nuts will be punched out and replaced with 1/4-20 Nutserts. This Mounts 3 Horizontal Plates full width as a 'Hatch' The Top and Bottom Panels will be on 'Quick Disconnects', while the Center Panel is Mounted Solidly. The Top can be easily, quickly removed for 'Dizzy' work, while the Bottom can be removed to Observe the Timing Marks. The Middle Plate will act a Structural Member, easily be removed when needed. This center panel May need 1/2" Clearance provided, to Still Clear the Alt. Pulley while being 100% Flush. Just thinking outloud. Best to go with a Single HATCH with the Quick disconnects, Aluminum or Stainless??
Enjoy the pics, just laying out 1" square tubes to the Idea Down.